This is an email circulating -
A lesson in basic math, probably not exact, but HUGE impact on our economy!
This is REAL!!!!!!Alive and growing in every state... Especially CA...
Joe Legal vs. Joe Illegal
Here is an example of why hiring illegal aliens is not economically productive for the State of California...
You have 2 families..."Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal".
Both families have 2 parents, 2 children and live in California.
"Joe Legal" works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with payroll taxes deducted...
"Jose Illegal" also works in construction, has "NO" Social Security Number and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".
Joe Legal...$25.00 per hour x 40 hours $1000.00 per week, $52,000 per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax . Joe Legal now has $31,231.00
Jose Illegal...$15.00 per hour x 40 hours $600.00 per week, $31,200.00 per year.
Jose Illegal pays no taxes...
Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00
Joe Legal pays Medical and Dental Insurance with limited coverage
$1000.00 per month
$12,00000 per year
Joe Legal now has $19,231.00
Jose Illegal has full Medical and Dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year.
Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00
Joe Legal makes too much money is not eligible for Food Stamps or welfare.
Joe Legal pays for food:
$1,000.00 per month
$12,000.00 per year
Joe Legal now has $ 7,231.00
Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for Food Stamps and Welfare.
Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00
Joe Legal pays rent of
$1,000.00 per month
$12,000.00 per year
Joe Legal is now in the hole
minus (-) $4,769.00
Jose Illegal receives a $500 per month Federal rent subsidy
Jose Illegal pays rent
$500.00=per month
$6,000.00 per year
Jose Illegal still has $25,200.00
Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.
Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.
Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same school. Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches, while Jose Illegal's children get a government sponsored lunch.
Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL program.
Joe Legal's children go home.
Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same Police and Fire Services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay.
Don't vote OR support any politician that supports illegal aliens.
Make it a point to know how your representative votes, State and Federal.
It’s PAST time to take a stand for America and Americans!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Another Congressman Asking About Obama's Birth Certificate - the Joplin Globe is Reporting In Their View
In our view: Citizenship a dead issue - from the Joplin Globe - click on the link to read their story slamming another Congressman for honoring his oath of office.
ha - I misspelled a few words in my response to the newspaper I am sure the media will attack me for being illiterate..I corrected the spelling here...If only those comment boxes had spell checkers. One of the things I find annoying about the media is their elitist attitudes.
I find it very interesting that too that our Republican leaning Supreme Court Justices are sitting on their Robes and refusing to review one shred of evidence on the Obama birther issue. I also wonder why President Obama has spent over one million dollars in a legal defenses to block and prevent his vaulted certificate and college records from being reviewed if there is nothing to hide.
Odd as it may seem, these documents should have been reviewed and then candidate Obama vetted by the Democratic party - just as any candidate would be when applying for a corporate job.
I think the Representative is correct in pursuing the truth as I do the Representative from Florida who did the same because they obviously take their oath of office as seriously as President Obama should, to uphold the laws in our U.S. Constitution.
I just watched the 2 hour documentary on Benjamin Franklin and realized how detailed our Founding Fathers were on every word they included in it.
So until a Constitutional amendment is introduced and passed removing the word "natural" from the born citizen section is removed and that pesky little word is deleted leaving us with just "born citizen" every Congressperson and U.S. Senator has a duty to Americans to pursue the truth no matter how unpopular it may be with the Media Pundits...
No one, not even President Obama is above the law. He may very well turn out to be one of the best Presidents we ever elected...but that fact still remains - is he a legal President and what happens if he is not? The Franklin documentary says that a simple "stamp tax" imposed by the English King on paper is one of the reasons the Revolutionary war kicked off. Could anyone reading this imagine a war today being started over a tax imposed on us?
In closing, I ask, "Who of those that Represent us today in the House and Senate have the courage to stand up to this President and demand he prove his natural born status once and for all so we can move on and without doubt that all the bills he is signing into law since taking office are legal and binding?" I think the count of Americans asking this question is close to a half of million people. That is a lot of people to be ignoring.
According to one of the lawyers pursing a law suit against President Obama - they claim it takes 4 Supreme Justices to hear the case and present the in this domino effect issue - we have another question; who are the 3 Justices and which ones are the holdouts? Is this why Justice Souter is retiring early? See what I mean...domino effect which President Obama can clear up in one day to hush the doubters once and for all.
ha - I misspelled a few words in my response to the newspaper I am sure the media will attack me for being illiterate..I corrected the spelling here...If only those comment boxes had spell checkers. One of the things I find annoying about the media is their elitist attitudes.
I find it very interesting that too that our Republican leaning Supreme Court Justices are sitting on their Robes and refusing to review one shred of evidence on the Obama birther issue. I also wonder why President Obama has spent over one million dollars in a legal defenses to block and prevent his vaulted certificate and college records from being reviewed if there is nothing to hide.
Odd as it may seem, these documents should have been reviewed and then candidate Obama vetted by the Democratic party - just as any candidate would be when applying for a corporate job.
I think the Representative is correct in pursuing the truth as I do the Representative from Florida who did the same because they obviously take their oath of office as seriously as President Obama should, to uphold the laws in our U.S. Constitution.
I just watched the 2 hour documentary on Benjamin Franklin and realized how detailed our Founding Fathers were on every word they included in it.
So until a Constitutional amendment is introduced and passed removing the word "natural" from the born citizen section is removed and that pesky little word is deleted leaving us with just "born citizen" every Congressperson and U.S. Senator has a duty to Americans to pursue the truth no matter how unpopular it may be with the Media Pundits...
No one, not even President Obama is above the law. He may very well turn out to be one of the best Presidents we ever elected...but that fact still remains - is he a legal President and what happens if he is not? The Franklin documentary says that a simple "stamp tax" imposed by the English King on paper is one of the reasons the Revolutionary war kicked off. Could anyone reading this imagine a war today being started over a tax imposed on us?
In closing, I ask, "Who of those that Represent us today in the House and Senate have the courage to stand up to this President and demand he prove his natural born status once and for all so we can move on and without doubt that all the bills he is signing into law since taking office are legal and binding?" I think the count of Americans asking this question is close to a half of million people. That is a lot of people to be ignoring.
According to one of the lawyers pursing a law suit against President Obama - they claim it takes 4 Supreme Justices to hear the case and present the in this domino effect issue - we have another question; who are the 3 Justices and which ones are the holdouts? Is this why Justice Souter is retiring early? See what I mean...domino effect which President Obama can clear up in one day to hush the doubters once and for all.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
MICHAEL JACKSON'S REHEARSAL VIDEO - "THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US!" Should Jermaine Jackson Care for Michael's kids?
Watching the Larry King
Special of Michael Jackson's Neverland - Jermaine is with him... He really loved his brother...How about him taking the kids and moving to Neverland...with their mother Catherine?
"They Don't Care About Us"
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, aggravation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Bang bang, shot dead
Everybody's gone mad
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Jew me, sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, kike me
Don't you black or white me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my life
I have a wife and two children who love me
I am the victim of police brutality, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate
You're rapin' me of my pride
Oh, for God's sake
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...
Set me free
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
trepidation, speculation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
black man, black male
Throw your brother in jail
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can't believe this is the land from which I came
You know I do really hate to say it
The government don't wanna see
But if Roosevelt was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, speculation
Everybody litigation
Beat me, bash me
You can never trash me
Hit me, kick me
You can never get me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Some things in life they just don't wanna see
But if Martin Luther was livin'
He wouldn't let this be
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, segregation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Kick me, strike me
Don't you wrong or right me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Some things in life they just don't wanna see
But if Martin Luther was livin'
He wouldn't let this be
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my life
I have a wife and two children who love me
I am the victim of police brutality, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate
You're rapin' me of my pride
Oh, for God's sake
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...
Set me free
Sunday, June 07, 2009
DEMOCRATS PLATFORM -1876 VS. 2009 - Samuel Tilden the Great Reformer to Spread the Wealth Prez Obama - Does Business Experience Really Matter?
Samuel J. Tilden, was the Democratic nominee for President 1876 and below is the list of Reforms the Democrats had in their platform...135 years later I am stunned when reading the 2009 Democratic Platform to see how far apart the two are. Much of what you'll read below are what people are complaining about today...and nothing is being done to fix it. Tilden was a savvy lawyer and business man and Obama is a lawyer that never ran so much as a Lemonade stand. His tactic is to Spread the Wealth of other peoples money (like Enron did). Does any one know when did the Dem Platform switched gears so radically to the "Tax and Spend" mode?
WE, the delegates of the Democratic party of the United States in national convention assembled, do hereby declare the administration of the federal government to be in urgent need of immediate REFORM; do hereby enjoin upon the nominees of this convention, and of the Democratic party in each State, a zealous effort and cooperation to this end, and do hereby appeal to our fellow-citizens of every former political connection, to undertake with us this first and most pressing patriotic duty.
For the Democracy of the whole country we do here reaffirm our faith in the permanence of the federal Union, our devotion to the Constitution of the United States with its amendments universally accepted as a final settlement of the controversies that engendered civil war, and do here record our steadfast confidence in the perpetuity of Republican self-government.
In absolute acquiescence in the will of the majority — the vital principle of Republics;
In the supremacy of the civil over the military authority;
In the total separation of Church and State, for the sake alike of civil and
religious freedom;
In the equality of all citizens before just laws of their own enactment;
In the liberty of individual conduct, unvexed by sumptuary laws;
In the faithful education of the rising generation, that they may preserve, enjoy, and transmit these best conditions of human happiness and hope;
We behold the noblest products of a hundred years of changeful history;
But, while upholding the bond of our Union and great charter of these our rights, it behooves a free people to practise also that eternal vigilance which is the price of liberty.
REFORM IS NECESSARY to rebuild and establish in the hearts of the whole people, the Union, eleven years ago happily rescued from the danger of a secession of States; but now to be saved from a corrupt centralism, which, after inflicting upon ten States the rapacity of carpet-bag tyrannies, has honeycombed the offices of the federal government itself with incapacity, waste, and fraud; infected States and municipalities with the contagion of misrule, and locked fast the prosperity of an industrious people in the paralysis of "Hard Times."
REFORM IS NECESSARY to establish a sound currency, restore the public credit, and maintain the national honor.
We denounce the failure for all these eleven years of peace to make good the promise of the legal tender notes, which are a changing standard of value in the hands of the people, and the non-payment of which is a disregard of the plighted faith of the nation.
We denounce the improvidence which, in eleven years of peace, has taken from the people, in federal taxes, thirteen times the whole amount of the legal-tender notes, and squandered four times their sum in useless expense, without accumulating any reserve for their redemption.
We denounce the financial imbecility and immorality of that party which, during eleven years of peace, has made no advance towards resumption — no preparation for resumption, — but instead has obstructed resumption by wasting our resources and exhausting all our surplus income; and, while annually professing to intend a speedy return to specie payments, has annually enacted fresh hindrances thereto. As such a hindrance we denounce the resumption clause of the Act of 1875, and demand its repeal.
We demand a judicious system of preparation by public economies, by official retrenchments, and by wise finance, which shall enable the nation soon to assure the whole world of its perfect ability and its perfect readiness to meet any of its promises at the call of the creditor entitled to payment.
We believe such a system, well devised, and, above all, intrusted to competent hands for execution, creating at no time an artificial scarcity of currency, and at no time alarming the public mind into a withdrawal of that vaster machinery of credit by which ninety-five per cent. of all business transactions are performed —a system open, public, and inspiring general confidence, would from the day of its adoption bring healing on its wings to all our harassed industries, set in motion the wheels of commerce, manufactures, and the mechanic arts, restore employment to labor, and renew in all its natural sources the prosperity of the people.
REFORM IS NECESSARY in the sum and modes of federal taxation, to the end that capital may be set free from distrust and labor lightly burdened.
We denounce the present tariff, levied upon nearly four thousand articles, as a masterpiece of injustice, inequality, and false pretence.
It yields a dwindling, not a yearly rising, revenue.
It has impoverished many industries to subsidize a few.
It prohibits imports that might purchase the products of American labor.
It has degraded American commerce from the first to an inferior rank on the high seas.
It has cut down the sales of American manufactures at home and abroad, and depleted the returns of American agriculture — an industry followed by half our people.
It costs the people five times more than it produces to the treasury, obstructs the processes of production, and wastes the fruits of labor.
It promotes fraud, fosters smuggling, enriches dishonest officials, and bankrupts honest merchants.
We demand that all custom-house taxation shall be only for revenue.
REFORM IS NECESSARY in the scale of public expense — federal, State, and municipal.
Our federal taxation has swollen from sixty millions gold, in I860, to four hundred and fifty millions currency, in 1870; our aggregate taxation from one hundred and fifty-four millions gold, in 1860, to seven hundred and thirty millions currency, in 1870, or in one decade from less than five dollars per head to more than eighteen dollars per head.
Since the peace, the people have paid to their tax-gatherers more than thrice the sum of the national debt, and more than twice that sum for the federal government alone. We demand a rigorous frugality in every department, and from every officer of the government.
REFORM IS NECESSARY to put a stop to the profligate waste of public lauds and their diversion from actual settlers by the party in power, which has squandered two hundred millions of acres upon railroads alone, and out of more than thrice that aggregate has disposed of less than a sixth directly to tillers of the soil.
REFORM IS NECESSARY to correct the omissions of a Republican Congress, and the errors of our treaties and our diplomacy, which have stripped our fellow-citizens of foreign birth and kindred race recrossing the Atlantic, of the shield of American citizenship, and have exposed our brethren of the Pacific coast to the incursions of a race not sprung from the same great parent stock, and in fact now by law denied citizenship through naturalization as being neither accustomed to the traditions of a progressive civilization nor exercised in liberty under equal laws.
We denounce the policy which thus discards the liberty-loving German and tolerates the revival of the cooly trade in Mongolian women imported for immoral purposes, and Mongolian men, hired to perform servile labor contracts, and demand such a modification of the treaty with the Chinese empire, or such legislation by Congress within constitutional limitations, as shall prevent the further importation or immigration of the Mongolian race.
REFORM IS NECESSARY and can never be effected but by making it the controlling issue of the elections, and lifting it above the two false issues with which the office-holding class and the party in power seek to smother it.
1. The false issue with which they would enkindle sectarian strife in respect to the public schools, of which the establishment and support belong exclusively to the several States, and which the Democratic party has cherished from their foundation, and is resolved to maintain without prejudice or preference for any class, sect, or creed, and without contributions from the treasury to any.
2. The false issue by which they seek to light anew the dying embers of sectional hate between kindred peoples once estranged, but now reunited in one indivisible republic and a common destiny.
REFORM IS NECESSARY in the civil service. Experience proves that efficient, economical conduct of the governmental business is not possible if its civil service be subject to change at every election, be a prize fought for at the ballot-box, be a brief reward of party zeal, instead of posts of honor assigned for proved competency, and held for fidelity in the public employ; that the dispensing of patronage should neither be a tax upon the time of all our public men, nor the instrument of their ambition. Here again promises falsified in the performance attest that the party in power can work out no practical or salutary reform.
REFORM IS NECESSARY even more in the higher grades of the public service. President, vice-president, judges, senators, representatives, cabinet officers, — these and all others in authority are the people's servants. Their offices are not a private perquisite ; they are a public trust.
When the annals of this Republic show the disgrace and censure of a vice-president;
A late speaker of the House of Representatives marketing his rulings as a presiding officer;
Three senators profiting secretly by their votes as law-makers;
Five chairmen of the leading committees of the late House of Representatives exposed in jobbery;
A late secretary of the treasury forcing balances in the public accounts;
A late attorney-general misappropriating public funds;
A secretary of the navy enriched or enriching friends by percentages levied off the profits of contractors with his department;
A minister to England censured in a dishonorable speculation ;
The President's private secretary barely escaping conviction upon trial for guilty complicity in frauds upon the revenue;
A secretary of war impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors ; —
The demonstration is complete that the first step in reform must be the people's choice of honest men from another party, lest the disease of one political organization infect the body politic, and lest by making no change of men or parties we get no change of measures and no real reform.
All the abuses, wrongs, and crimes, the product of sixteen years' ascendancy of the Republican party, create a necessity for reform confessed by Republicans themselves ; but their reform- era are voted down in convention and displaced from the cabinet. The party's mass of honest voters is powerless to resist the eighty thousand office-holders, its leaders and guides.
Reform can only be had by a peaceful civil revolution.
We demand a change of system, a change of administration, a change of parties, that we may have a change of measures and of men.
Friday, June 05, 2009
"To the Democratic Members of the Com. Council:*
"The undersigned, members of the Bar, recommend Samuel J. Tilden' for appointment as Attorney to the Corporation. Mr. Tilden's services and qualifications are such that in our opinion his appointment would give the highest satisfaction to the Democratic party, the legal profession, and the public generally.
"New York, April, 1843. " I sign the above most cheerfully: Lewis H. Sandford, William S. Sears, John E. Livingston, Jr., D. D. Field, C. V. S. Kane, Chs. G. Havens,Chas. B. Moore, James J. Roosevelt,L. Robinson, C. Mclean, Samuel A. Crapo, Theodore Sedgwick,Hawks & Scoville.
"I cheerfully concur in the foregoing recommendation: Thos. R. Lee, Lathrop S. Eddy,
P. Reynolds, Wm. McMuRRAY."
* The place of attorney for the City and County of New York for which this address to the Democratic members of the Common Council, was the only office Mr. Tilden ever held by appointment. He held it but about one year, during which time he docketed 123judgments for violations of city ordinances.
The nomination, election, and inauguration of Senator Wright as Governor of New York State, in 1844, gave Mr. Tilden a greater influence perhaps than was possessed by any other individual in the dispensation of the patronage of the Executive at this time. His friend, John W. Edmonds, in whose office he had studied his profession, a native of the same county as himself, and a lawyer of considerable ability, was anxious for the appointment of Surrogate of New York city. Though he failed in this effort, he subsequently was appointed one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, largely, not to say entirely, through Mr. Tilden's influence.
By the spring elections of 1844 both the old parties were thrown into confusion and driven from the field by the "Native American" party, so called, which appeared with a suddenness and force of a tropical cyclone and swept the country.
The friends of Mr. Van Buren in New York naturally looked to Mr. Van Buren as their candidate for a renomination to the Presidency. He was defeated, however, in the national convention, and James K. Polk, of Tennessee, received the nomination. The following letter from Mr. Tilden to his brother is the only account we have from his pen of his experiences in that convention to which he was a delegate. Unhappily, the manuscript is incomplete.
"Baltimore, May 27, 1844-
"My Dear Brother,—Here we are in a state of extraordinary excitement and great uncertainty. There is a deep and almost universal disaffection in the South. Virginia is against us by a large majority, also North Carolina, Ga., Miss., Ark., La., probably Maryland, Indiana; New Jersey, Michigan, Alabama, 111., Conn, doubtful; N. Y., Missouri, Ohio, N. H., Vermont, R. I. reliable; Penn. instructed and ready to vote with us on the.main question, but liable, some of them, to cheat on collaterals.
"We have a small fixed majority certain on the first ballotings, but some of the Penn. delegates and probably some others may be and probably will be inclined very soon to desert. But the plan of the disaffected is to require a two-third vote to make a nomination. This, they think, and probably with correctness, that Mr. V. B. cannot get, and then they may bargain with those who vote with us but are not hearty in our cause. Some of the Penn. men who are instructed and are therefore obliged to vote for V. B. would prefer Buchanan — have been approached by propositions from the South to bargain with them, with what effect we cannot know."
"Washington, May 10, 1844. " Private.
"My Dear Sir,—Your letter came safely, but you will have conjectured, from the public appearance of things here, that some of us have been rather busy for some days past. I have but a single moment now to say that if you shall have occasion to send papers here for distribution, Mr. Stevenson will do the labor, so far as you shall direct addresses, and we will see that others are obtained here, but we cannot send you franks.
"I have only completed the speech today, and it certainly is not better for having been written out amidst the unexampled excitement of the last two weeks. A part of it will appear to-morrow, and the residue on Monday evening, and I will take a pamphlet copy, when I get one, and mark it off as you suggest, by proper heads to the divisions.
"Please inform me, as soon as you receive this, if Mr. Butler has returned. I want to communicate to him on the subject of the convention as soon as he reaches, if he is not yet home.
"A letter from Cambreling received to-day tells me that he is off for Carolina only to return to the Convention. He ought to be at hand to meet the delegates in New York when they should have a meeting.
"In very great haste,
" I am, truly yours,
" Silas Weight.
"Samuel J. Tilden, Esq."
The triumph of the Native American party and the election of Mr. Harper for Mayor led to a general and prompt change of all movable officers of the municipal administration. Mr. Tilden tried to anticipate the party proscription, but by some mistake, the nature of which is illegible in the following letter, he had to undergo the proscription of the victors, which, however, neither politically nor financially involved any personal sacrifice.
SAMUEL J. TILDEN TO R. L. SHIEFFELEN, ESQ., PRESIDENT OF THE COMMON COUNCIL"New York, May 25, 1844. " To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of
New York:
"I have expected at each of your meetings to be removed, but have been disappointed. In case my successor as Attorney to the Corporation shall not be selected this evening, I respectfully present to you my resignation, to take effect on the day after your next joint meeting, until which time the public interests entrusted to my care shall not be embarrassed.
"I am, respectfully, your, &c.,
"Samuel J. Tilden."
Comparatively recent note in pencil in Mr. Tilden's handwriting:
"In the haste of preparing to leave the city for the Baltimore Convention this wish was omitted, and while I was there I was removed."
Senator Wright yielded very reluctantly to the irresistible pressure of both divisions of his party that he should accept the nomination tendered him for Governor at the fall election of 1844. It was apparent to the friends of Mr. Polk that he could not carry the State of New York without the support of the friends of Mr. Van Buren and Wright, and no less of a sacrifice than the transfer of Mr. Wright from the Senate to the Governorship could make the State reasonably secure for the Presidential ticket. How reluctantly Mr. Wright yielded to this pressure is not
to be measured solely b,y his far-sighted doubt of its policy and of the advantages of a victory for the Slavery-Extension party at that time. He had other reasons of a domestic nature presented some three years before in a most pathetic and touching letter addressed to Mr. Tilden's father.*
The logic of the situation presented by Mr. Wright's nomination for Governor in 1844 required that he should by his election save the Presidential ticket and then " succeed President Polk in 1848 or retire from public life," and Mr. Marcy to defeat Mr. Wright's re-election as Governor, or himself retire from public life. It was practically to engage in such a duel that Mr. Wright went to Albany and took the oath of office on the 1st of January, 1845. He had in his favor a great parliamentary reputation, and a character for wisdom, probity, and political sagacity, enjoyed in a superior degree by no other American statesman of his generation.
On the other hand, he had to contend with an administration in whose eyes all these virtues, when enlisted against slavery, were regarded only as so many additional reasons for crushing their possessor. He had also to contend with a very considerable number who still called themselves Democrats, but who had deserted the party from mistrust of the success of its financial policy, and who were impatient to recover some sort of party standing.
Mr. Tilden engaged in this canvass for President Polk with more zeal than in any other except, perhaps, the last, in which he was himself a candidate, and in both instances was betrayed by his party.
Not the least efficient of his services in this campaign was the establishment of the Daily News in connection with John L. O'Sullivan.
O'sullivan's Plan And Estimate In Regard To The "Morning News."
"To the Democratic Members of the Com. Council:*
"The undersigned, members of the Bar, recommend Samuel J. Tilden' for appointment as Attorney to the Corporation. Mr. Tilden's services and qualifications are such that in our opinion his appointment would give the highest satisfaction to the Democratic party, the legal profession, and the public generally.
"New York, April, 1843. " I sign the above most cheerfully: Lewis H. Sandford, William S. Sears, John E. Livingston, Jr., D. D. Field, C. V. S. Kane, Chs. G. Havens,Chas. B. Moore, James J. Roosevelt,L. Robinson, C. Mclean, Samuel A. Crapo, Theodore Sedgwick,Hawks & Scoville.
"I cheerfully concur in the foregoing recommendation: Thos. R. Lee, Lathrop S. Eddy,
P. Reynolds, Wm. McMuRRAY."
* The place of attorney for the City and County of New York for which this address to the Democratic members of the Common Council, was the only office Mr. Tilden ever held by appointment. He held it but about one year, during which time he docketed 123judgments for violations of city ordinances.
The nomination, election, and inauguration of Senator Wright as Governor of New York State, in 1844, gave Mr. Tilden a greater influence perhaps than was possessed by any other individual in the dispensation of the patronage of the Executive at this time. His friend, John W. Edmonds, in whose office he had studied his profession, a native of the same county as himself, and a lawyer of considerable ability, was anxious for the appointment of Surrogate of New York city. Though he failed in this effort, he subsequently was appointed one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, largely, not to say entirely, through Mr. Tilden's influence.
By the spring elections of 1844 both the old parties were thrown into confusion and driven from the field by the "Native American" party, so called, which appeared with a suddenness and force of a tropical cyclone and swept the country.
The friends of Mr. Van Buren in New York naturally looked to Mr. Van Buren as their candidate for a renomination to the Presidency. He was defeated, however, in the national convention, and James K. Polk, of Tennessee, received the nomination. The following letter from Mr. Tilden to his brother is the only account we have from his pen of his experiences in that convention to which he was a delegate. Unhappily, the manuscript is incomplete.
"Baltimore, May 27, 1844-
"My Dear Brother,—Here we are in a state of extraordinary excitement and great uncertainty. There is a deep and almost universal disaffection in the South. Virginia is against us by a large majority, also North Carolina, Ga., Miss., Ark., La., probably Maryland, Indiana; New Jersey, Michigan, Alabama, 111., Conn, doubtful; N. Y., Missouri, Ohio, N. H., Vermont, R. I. reliable; Penn. instructed and ready to vote with us on the.main question, but liable, some of them, to cheat on collaterals.
"We have a small fixed majority certain on the first ballotings, but some of the Penn. delegates and probably some others may be and probably will be inclined very soon to desert. But the plan of the disaffected is to require a two-third vote to make a nomination. This, they think, and probably with correctness, that Mr. V. B. cannot get, and then they may bargain with those who vote with us but are not hearty in our cause. Some of the Penn. men who are instructed and are therefore obliged to vote for V. B. would prefer Buchanan — have been approached by propositions from the South to bargain with them, with what effect we cannot know."
"Washington, May 10, 1844. " Private.
"My Dear Sir,—Your letter came safely, but you will have conjectured, from the public appearance of things here, that some of us have been rather busy for some days past. I have but a single moment now to say that if you shall have occasion to send papers here for distribution, Mr. Stevenson will do the labor, so far as you shall direct addresses, and we will see that others are obtained here, but we cannot send you franks.
"I have only completed the speech today, and it certainly is not better for having been written out amidst the unexampled excitement of the last two weeks. A part of it will appear to-morrow, and the residue on Monday evening, and I will take a pamphlet copy, when I get one, and mark it off as you suggest, by proper heads to the divisions.
"Please inform me, as soon as you receive this, if Mr. Butler has returned. I want to communicate to him on the subject of the convention as soon as he reaches, if he is not yet home.
"A letter from Cambreling received to-day tells me that he is off for Carolina only to return to the Convention. He ought to be at hand to meet the delegates in New York when they should have a meeting.
"In very great haste,
" I am, truly yours,
" Silas Weight.
"Samuel J. Tilden, Esq."
The triumph of the Native American party and the election of Mr. Harper for Mayor led to a general and prompt change of all movable officers of the municipal administration. Mr. Tilden tried to anticipate the party proscription, but by some mistake, the nature of which is illegible in the following letter, he had to undergo the proscription of the victors, which, however, neither politically nor financially involved any personal sacrifice.
SAMUEL J. TILDEN TO R. L. SHIEFFELEN, ESQ., PRESIDENT OF THE COMMON COUNCIL"New York, May 25, 1844. " To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of
New York:
"I have expected at each of your meetings to be removed, but have been disappointed. In case my successor as Attorney to the Corporation shall not be selected this evening, I respectfully present to you my resignation, to take effect on the day after your next joint meeting, until which time the public interests entrusted to my care shall not be embarrassed.
"I am, respectfully, your, &c.,
"Samuel J. Tilden."
Comparatively recent note in pencil in Mr. Tilden's handwriting:
"In the haste of preparing to leave the city for the Baltimore Convention this wish was omitted, and while I was there I was removed."
Senator Wright yielded very reluctantly to the irresistible pressure of both divisions of his party that he should accept the nomination tendered him for Governor at the fall election of 1844. It was apparent to the friends of Mr. Polk that he could not carry the State of New York without the support of the friends of Mr. Van Buren and Wright, and no less of a sacrifice than the transfer of Mr. Wright from the Senate to the Governorship could make the State reasonably secure for the Presidential ticket. How reluctantly Mr. Wright yielded to this pressure is not
to be measured solely b,y his far-sighted doubt of its policy and of the advantages of a victory for the Slavery-Extension party at that time. He had other reasons of a domestic nature presented some three years before in a most pathetic and touching letter addressed to Mr. Tilden's father.*
The logic of the situation presented by Mr. Wright's nomination for Governor in 1844 required that he should by his election save the Presidential ticket and then " succeed President Polk in 1848 or retire from public life," and Mr. Marcy to defeat Mr. Wright's re-election as Governor, or himself retire from public life. It was practically to engage in such a duel that Mr. Wright went to Albany and took the oath of office on the 1st of January, 1845. He had in his favor a great parliamentary reputation, and a character for wisdom, probity, and political sagacity, enjoyed in a superior degree by no other American statesman of his generation.
On the other hand, he had to contend with an administration in whose eyes all these virtues, when enlisted against slavery, were regarded only as so many additional reasons for crushing their possessor. He had also to contend with a very considerable number who still called themselves Democrats, but who had deserted the party from mistrust of the success of its financial policy, and who were impatient to recover some sort of party standing.
Mr. Tilden engaged in this canvass for President Polk with more zeal than in any other except, perhaps, the last, in which he was himself a candidate, and in both instances was betrayed by his party.
Not the least efficient of his services in this campaign was the establishment of the Daily News in connection with John L. O'Sullivan.
O'sullivan's Plan And Estimate In Regard To The "Morning News."
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Pre-Civil War talk - New York Public Library Establishment defined in Tilden's Will posted in the New York Times -Tilden Family Genealogy
Prior to the days of Email - people corresponded by snail mail. While digging for information I also came across this New York Times article dated August 12, 1886,"Dividing his Fortune" which actually describes part of Samuel Tilden's Will and how he left his money to build the New York Public Library. One of the things I admired most about Samuel Tilden was how he took care of the women in his family. He left them well established, as he did while alive...Here is also a link to Tilden family Genealogy.
What many do not know is Tilden't will was challenged by his Nephews in court and the New York Public Library almost didn't come to be. It was Samuel Tilden's best friend and confidant, John Bigelow who followed through to make sure his best friend's money was used to build the library.
Today, I wonder if people would still go out on a limb for a friend like Bigelow did for Tilden? Tilden never married so he had no direct heirs and it was John Bigelow he depended on to follow through for him, but did leave a "just in case" clause for Bigelow and other of his Estate Executives to use if the library was a no go. In later letters and as the letters unfold and are posted to my BLOG you will learn how Bigelow and Tilden became such close friends. They were, in my opinion, the "Odd Couple" with Bigelow being a devout Republican and Tilden a Democrat.
...Enjoy the history...Nikki Oldaker
The letters below are exchanges Pre Civil War between the Post Master General in DC and to Samuel Tilden's father, Elam Tilden who ran the Post office in New Lebanon NY.JOHN M. NILES - Postmaster General
"Washington, December 12, 1840.
"My Dear Sir,
I have your letter of the 7th inst., and thank you for the copy of the excellent speech of your son, which for the facts it contains, and sound, practical views, is worth more than all the speeches Daniel Webster has delivered on the currency question. The principal article in the Globe on prices and the wages of labor was from my pen, and I am pleased to learn that it met your approbation.
"That measures will be adopted before Congress closes to reorganize the Democratic party and settle on the course of action for the future is so manifestly proper, not to say indispensable, that I cannot doubt it will be attended to.
"Arrangements should be adopted for obtaining the facts from every country, town, and precinct in the Union, in relation to the foul frauds practised in the late elections. The' statements and certificates of these facts should be verified by oath when it could be done; and the whole ought to be published in a volume and put into the hands of every honest elector in the United States. This mass of information would be used by the Democratic papers as they might have occasion.
In his life he opened his mind on the subject of matrimony, a topic at that time of serious concern to her. See Bigelow's Life of Tilden, Vol. I., p. 80. Before the expiration of the year of which this letter bears date, she died. The brother when he wrote this letter was living with an aunt who kept a boarding-house at what was then the upper part of Broadway.
"Proprietor of the Hartford Times at the date and United States Senator from Connecticut.
"It is true, as you say, that the battle is not yet really begun; the true issues which divide the Democracy and the Federalists cannot be presented before the country except the latter are in power. They are then forced to come out with their measures and disclose their principles.
"There will be a glorious fight for the next four years, the result of which, I confidently believe, will be highly auspicious to the Democratic cause and the preservation of our popular institutions.
"I am, respectfully,
"Y'r ob't ser't,
"John M. Niles.
"E. Tilden, Esqr.,
"New Lebanon,"New York."
President Harrison died just one month after his inauguration, a casualty from which the Whig party never fully recovered. To the Congress which convened in extra session May 31, 1841, President Tyler intimated his desire that the members of that body should request a plan for a national bank from Mr. Ewing, then Secretary of the Treasury. In pursuance of the resolutions for this purpose adopted by both Houses, Mr. Ewing sent in a bill for the incorporation of the " Fiscal Bank of the United States," the essential features of which were framed in accordance with the President's suggestions. The bill passed Congress August 6, with a clause concerning branch banks differing from Mr. E wing's, which was vetoed by the President. The letter from Mr. Tilden which follows was a criticism of this bill, and probably had something to do with its untimely fate.
It does not appear from the copy to whom this letter was addressed by Mr. Tilden, but it was probably to Senator Wright.
Congress subsequently passed another bill intended to meet the objections of President Tyler. He concluded he could not approve it without inconsistency, and therefore vetoed that bill also, by which act he alienated the United States Bank wing of the Whig party to such an extent as to make many friends among the party of the opposition. It is to that phase of that absorbing bank issue at Washington that Mr. Tilden refers in the succeeding letter to Mr. Nelson J. Waterbury, then a very earnest, active, and intelligent Democratic politician, a few years Mr. Tilden's junior.
"New Lebanon, September 11, 1841."My Dear Waterbury,
On a flying visit of a few hours, which I made to the city some two weeks ago, I received your letter, but I was so busy in running about the country that I did not get a chance to answer it.
"You judge rightly as to my sympathy with your sentiments and action in regard to the veto. Our line of duty is plain. While we render to Tyler liberal credit for every good act he does, and sustain every right measure which he proposes, and defend him against the unjust and unconstitutional attacks of the Whigs, we cannot give his administration an unqualified support, or commit ourselves in favor of his re-election. So far, we agree with him only on the bank question—and there as to act of the veto, not as to its reasons, which are qualified and hesitating, and mingled with crudities and unsoundness; while as to the other questions—some of which are of great, if not equal, importance—we differ from him. If his course had been less objectionable we ought still to keep ourselves uncommitted as to the succession. We cannot enter into a bargain of office for measures. Whatever he does right, he must do spontaneously, and we will freely and heartily support, leaving the future to take care of itself.
"I never regarded Tyler as a man of very high capacity, and his public documents since he has been President have not increased my estimate of him. The last veto—which I have just read over—is better in matter and manner than the former, which was very objectionable in principle, but neither of them is creditable.
"I will confess that at first I was not without apprehensions that Tyler's course might be such as to conciliate a portion of our people, and weaken the efficiency of our action, while it would not be such as we could fully approve or safely support; and that he might construct a half-and half administration in which real and thorough democratic principles might suffer more than by open hostility. But my fears are diminished. Our people seem to be taking the right ground; and the enthusiasm at first excited will, I believe, settle at about the right point. A gentleman to whose opinion I very much defer thinks that Tyler is not a man to accumulate any political strength around him; and can in no event be dangerous.
"I do not know whether the Whigs will attempt to put in execution any of the desperate means which have been shadowed forth—such as a formal demand by the members of Congress for Tyler's resignation—a rejection of his nominations of official advisers in case the present cabinet shall retire — a systematic clamor to intimidate him to a surrender of his constitutional authorities. If they do, we must stand by him and his official rights to the uttermost.
"I intend to return to the city in about "three weeks. Meanwhile I shall be particularly glad to hear from you.
"I thank you for the paper you were so kind as to send me.
"Sincerely y'rs,
"S. J. Tilden."
What many do not know is Tilden't will was challenged by his Nephews in court and the New York Public Library almost didn't come to be. It was Samuel Tilden's best friend and confidant, John Bigelow who followed through to make sure his best friend's money was used to build the library.
Today, I wonder if people would still go out on a limb for a friend like Bigelow did for Tilden? Tilden never married so he had no direct heirs and it was John Bigelow he depended on to follow through for him, but did leave a "just in case" clause for Bigelow and other of his Estate Executives to use if the library was a no go. In later letters and as the letters unfold and are posted to my BLOG you will learn how Bigelow and Tilden became such close friends. They were, in my opinion, the "Odd Couple" with Bigelow being a devout Republican and Tilden a Democrat.
...Enjoy the history...Nikki Oldaker
The letters below are exchanges Pre Civil War between the Post Master General in DC and to Samuel Tilden's father, Elam Tilden who ran the Post office in New Lebanon NY.JOHN M. NILES - Postmaster General
"Washington, December 12, 1840.
"My Dear Sir,
I have your letter of the 7th inst., and thank you for the copy of the excellent speech of your son, which for the facts it contains, and sound, practical views, is worth more than all the speeches Daniel Webster has delivered on the currency question. The principal article in the Globe on prices and the wages of labor was from my pen, and I am pleased to learn that it met your approbation.
"That measures will be adopted before Congress closes to reorganize the Democratic party and settle on the course of action for the future is so manifestly proper, not to say indispensable, that I cannot doubt it will be attended to.
"Arrangements should be adopted for obtaining the facts from every country, town, and precinct in the Union, in relation to the foul frauds practised in the late elections. The' statements and certificates of these facts should be verified by oath when it could be done; and the whole ought to be published in a volume and put into the hands of every honest elector in the United States. This mass of information would be used by the Democratic papers as they might have occasion.
In his life he opened his mind on the subject of matrimony, a topic at that time of serious concern to her. See Bigelow's Life of Tilden, Vol. I., p. 80. Before the expiration of the year of which this letter bears date, she died. The brother when he wrote this letter was living with an aunt who kept a boarding-house at what was then the upper part of Broadway.
"Proprietor of the Hartford Times at the date and United States Senator from Connecticut.
"It is true, as you say, that the battle is not yet really begun; the true issues which divide the Democracy and the Federalists cannot be presented before the country except the latter are in power. They are then forced to come out with their measures and disclose their principles.
"There will be a glorious fight for the next four years, the result of which, I confidently believe, will be highly auspicious to the Democratic cause and the preservation of our popular institutions.
"I am, respectfully,
"Y'r ob't ser't,
"John M. Niles.
"E. Tilden, Esqr.,
"New Lebanon,"New York."
President Harrison died just one month after his inauguration, a casualty from which the Whig party never fully recovered. To the Congress which convened in extra session May 31, 1841, President Tyler intimated his desire that the members of that body should request a plan for a national bank from Mr. Ewing, then Secretary of the Treasury. In pursuance of the resolutions for this purpose adopted by both Houses, Mr. Ewing sent in a bill for the incorporation of the " Fiscal Bank of the United States," the essential features of which were framed in accordance with the President's suggestions. The bill passed Congress August 6, with a clause concerning branch banks differing from Mr. E wing's, which was vetoed by the President. The letter from Mr. Tilden which follows was a criticism of this bill, and probably had something to do with its untimely fate.
It does not appear from the copy to whom this letter was addressed by Mr. Tilden, but it was probably to Senator Wright.
Congress subsequently passed another bill intended to meet the objections of President Tyler. He concluded he could not approve it without inconsistency, and therefore vetoed that bill also, by which act he alienated the United States Bank wing of the Whig party to such an extent as to make many friends among the party of the opposition. It is to that phase of that absorbing bank issue at Washington that Mr. Tilden refers in the succeeding letter to Mr. Nelson J. Waterbury, then a very earnest, active, and intelligent Democratic politician, a few years Mr. Tilden's junior.
"New Lebanon, September 11, 1841."My Dear Waterbury,
On a flying visit of a few hours, which I made to the city some two weeks ago, I received your letter, but I was so busy in running about the country that I did not get a chance to answer it.
"You judge rightly as to my sympathy with your sentiments and action in regard to the veto. Our line of duty is plain. While we render to Tyler liberal credit for every good act he does, and sustain every right measure which he proposes, and defend him against the unjust and unconstitutional attacks of the Whigs, we cannot give his administration an unqualified support, or commit ourselves in favor of his re-election. So far, we agree with him only on the bank question—and there as to act of the veto, not as to its reasons, which are qualified and hesitating, and mingled with crudities and unsoundness; while as to the other questions—some of which are of great, if not equal, importance—we differ from him. If his course had been less objectionable we ought still to keep ourselves uncommitted as to the succession. We cannot enter into a bargain of office for measures. Whatever he does right, he must do spontaneously, and we will freely and heartily support, leaving the future to take care of itself.
"I never regarded Tyler as a man of very high capacity, and his public documents since he has been President have not increased my estimate of him. The last veto—which I have just read over—is better in matter and manner than the former, which was very objectionable in principle, but neither of them is creditable.
"I will confess that at first I was not without apprehensions that Tyler's course might be such as to conciliate a portion of our people, and weaken the efficiency of our action, while it would not be such as we could fully approve or safely support; and that he might construct a half-and half administration in which real and thorough democratic principles might suffer more than by open hostility. But my fears are diminished. Our people seem to be taking the right ground; and the enthusiasm at first excited will, I believe, settle at about the right point. A gentleman to whose opinion I very much defer thinks that Tyler is not a man to accumulate any political strength around him; and can in no event be dangerous.
"I do not know whether the Whigs will attempt to put in execution any of the desperate means which have been shadowed forth—such as a formal demand by the members of Congress for Tyler's resignation—a rejection of his nominations of official advisers in case the present cabinet shall retire — a systematic clamor to intimidate him to a surrender of his constitutional authorities. If they do, we must stand by him and his official rights to the uttermost.
"I intend to return to the city in about "three weeks. Meanwhile I shall be particularly glad to hear from you.
"I thank you for the paper you were so kind as to send me.
"Sincerely y'rs,
"S. J. Tilden."
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
1835 Great Fire in New York City that Burnt Wall St. to Ashes...Samuel Tilden writes a Letter to his Father Describing the Aftermath

Today I will start from the beginning of Samuel Tilden's life long career so you can get a sense of the great political mind Tilden had. This letter is one if his first...In Letters and Literary Memos...There are two volumes of this book and the pages are filled with history as it happened and how it was dealt with. I wish these pages were required reading for each and every Congressional Representative today. The factual information and exchanged in these letters would offer our Representatives, Judicial, President and U.S. Citizens that care about our country the true history of America. The history recorded in these two volumes is precious and rich with the growth and pitfalls previously experienced. I think history can teach us and be our best guide to prevent us from repeating the same mistakes. I agree. Take note of the dates...Tilden's letter is dated in 1833 - yet the Great Fire of New York is dated 1835.
December 17, 1833...Tilden writes this letter to his father Elam about the great fire in New York City...
The most disastrous fire with which the city of New York has ever yet been visited is referred to in the following letter. It reduced to ashes pretty much every structure within the area bounded by Wall and Broad streets and the East River, a tract which then embraced nearly,

" New York, December 17, 1833. Friday, 2.30 P.It.
"Mv Dear Father,—The last has been the most calamitous night New York ever saw. The very centre of the commercial part of the city — from Wall Street across William and nearly to Broad, and to Coenties Slip,—all is a mass of smouldering ruins. A concurrence of unfortunate circumstances rendered the fire thus disastrous. The engines had been much disordered, in consequence of the extensive fires on the previous night — the hose, many of them, frozen and unfit for use. The atmosphere was in a state peculiarly calculated to support and extend combustion, the wind blew with great violence, and the weather was so intensely cold as to clog and almost close up with ice the hose. The flames raged through the whole night with uncontrolled violence, impressing every beholder with the utter impotency of human effort to contend with the devouring element. The spectacle was grand and awful beyond conception. I shall not attempt to describe it. All the fires that ever occurred here before were perfectly insignificant in comparison.
" The question is now, not who is injured, but who has escaped? Almost all I know are involved in the common catastrophe. At No. 12, Mr. Hichcock burnt out; Mr. Birch, not even his books and papers saved. Mr. Brown burnt out, and his goods consumed in the street or in the stores to which they were removed. Mr. Starkweather not yet injured, but in imminent danger. Mr. Williams' employees, everything destroyed; and also Mr. Conckling's, I believe. At 14, Mr. Stewart's employees. At 20, Mr. Bronson among the lost; Mr. Soullard, same; Mr. Davis and escaped. Halsted and Baines, $40,000 lost;
20 to 30,000 saved. Hunt and Andrews, Conckling & , &c., &c.
" So vast is the destruction that insurance affords but a very insufficient security. The whole insurance capital of the city will scarce exceed one-half the amount of property consumed in one night! Estimates are very vague and uncertain—the loss, however, can hardly be less than twenty millions of dollars.
" There is not time to write a word more to-day.
" Affectionately yours,
" S. J. Tilden.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Tilden's Short Civil War Speech Aimed At Southern Democrats - He Supported Lincoln to Preserve the Union and U.S. Constitution
I wanted to start this series of BLOGS off with a short one paragraph speech Samuel was asked to write at the start of the Civil War. The exchange is between him and John VanBuren - President Martin VanBuren's son's remarks will come as a surprise to many as it did to me when I read it. To clarify, at the start of the Civil War a large majority of Northern Democrats did not support slave freedoms as much as they profess to today and they despised President Lincoln.
This, the first of many letters to come were exchanged during the Civil War reveals Tilden's opinion which many were not sure if he was right or he was wrong. Many trusted Tilden's judgment because he was sensible, smart and always gave great advice. Tilden stood his ground and he supported Lincoln's decision to fight to preserve the U.S. Constitution and the Union. He challenged both the Northern and Southern Democrats about their loyalties to America as you will read in his own words below. After much research about this man - I could only imagine what a tough decision it had to be for him to have taken this stance to save the our young growing nation and the freedoms the Founding Fathers gave us.
October 1862
Mr. John Van Buren, who had become an earnest supporter of the war, just before he made a speech at a great Democratic meeting in the city of New York, in October, 1862, called upon Mr. Tilden.
" We must be for the war," said Mr. Van Buren.
" Certainly," replied Mr. Tilden.
Mr. Tilden was requested to reduce to writing what he suggested should be said. The next morning, on his way down-town, he left with Mr. Seymour a sketch of a peroration for the speech to be made that evening.
It was in the following words:
" And now, if my voice could reach the Southern people, through the journals of our metropolis, I would say to them that in no event can the triumph of the conservative sentiment of New York in the election mean consent to disunion, either now or hereafter. Its true import is restoration, North and South, of that Constitution which had secured every right, and under whose shelter all had been happy and prosperous until you madly fled from its protection. It was your act which began this calamitous civil war. It was your act which disabled us, as we are now disabled, of shaping the policy or limiting the objects of that war. Loyally as we maintained your rights, will we maintain the right of the government. We will not strike down its arm as long as yours is lifted against it. That noblest and greatest work of our wise ancestors is not destined to perish. We intend to rear once more upon the old and firm foundations its shattered columns, and to carry them higher towards the eternal skies. If the old flag waves in the nerveless grasp of a fanatic but feeble faction to whom you and not we abandoned it, we, whose courage you have tried when we stood unmoved between fanaticism and folly from the North and South alike, will once more bear it onward and aloft until it is again planted upon the towers of the Constitution, invincible by domestic as by foreign enemies. Within the Union we will give you the Constitution you profess to revere, renewed with fresh guarantees of equal rights and equal safety. We will give you everything that local self-government demands; everything that a common ancestry of glory —everything that national fraternity or Christian fellowship requires; but to dissolve the federal bond between these States, to dismember our country, whoever else consents, we will not. No; never, never, never 1"
This, the first of many letters to come were exchanged during the Civil War reveals Tilden's opinion which many were not sure if he was right or he was wrong. Many trusted Tilden's judgment because he was sensible, smart and always gave great advice. Tilden stood his ground and he supported Lincoln's decision to fight to preserve the U.S. Constitution and the Union. He challenged both the Northern and Southern Democrats about their loyalties to America as you will read in his own words below. After much research about this man - I could only imagine what a tough decision it had to be for him to have taken this stance to save the our young growing nation and the freedoms the Founding Fathers gave us.
October 1862
Mr. John Van Buren, who had become an earnest supporter of the war, just before he made a speech at a great Democratic meeting in the city of New York, in October, 1862, called upon Mr. Tilden.
" We must be for the war," said Mr. Van Buren.
" Certainly," replied Mr. Tilden.
Mr. Tilden was requested to reduce to writing what he suggested should be said. The next morning, on his way down-town, he left with Mr. Seymour a sketch of a peroration for the speech to be made that evening.
It was in the following words:
" And now, if my voice could reach the Southern people, through the journals of our metropolis, I would say to them that in no event can the triumph of the conservative sentiment of New York in the election mean consent to disunion, either now or hereafter. Its true import is restoration, North and South, of that Constitution which had secured every right, and under whose shelter all had been happy and prosperous until you madly fled from its protection. It was your act which began this calamitous civil war. It was your act which disabled us, as we are now disabled, of shaping the policy or limiting the objects of that war. Loyally as we maintained your rights, will we maintain the right of the government. We will not strike down its arm as long as yours is lifted against it. That noblest and greatest work of our wise ancestors is not destined to perish. We intend to rear once more upon the old and firm foundations its shattered columns, and to carry them higher towards the eternal skies. If the old flag waves in the nerveless grasp of a fanatic but feeble faction to whom you and not we abandoned it, we, whose courage you have tried when we stood unmoved between fanaticism and folly from the North and South alike, will once more bear it onward and aloft until it is again planted upon the towers of the Constitution, invincible by domestic as by foreign enemies. Within the Union we will give you the Constitution you profess to revere, renewed with fresh guarantees of equal rights and equal safety. We will give you everything that local self-government demands; everything that a common ancestry of glory —everything that national fraternity or Christian fellowship requires; but to dissolve the federal bond between these States, to dismember our country, whoever else consents, we will not. No; never, never, never 1"
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Samuel Tilden - Defining His Journey and Mine as I Produce his Documentary

Starting today - May 31st - my BLOG will be focused on the Samuel Tilden documentary I am producing. I've already published 2 books - and working on the third.
The Documentary will detail this great man's life and all that he accomplished. And oh what a life it was...
My goal is to bring forward his career in his own voice...You will be reading letters and speeches written by Tilden and other high ranking politicians of the day who continually sought his advice. In addition I will be posting my progress with the making of the documentary. Comments from readers will be welcome...and moderated... My goal here is to share the information and to get Mr. Tilden and the other honest political men that helped him their time in the spotlight.
John Bigelow, who was a Republican became best friends with Tilden and remained so for years even after Samuel's death. The duo trusted each other completely which was rare in the political arena.

Other history writers - some very famous have written about Tilden...I have read many of their books...and disappointed by the information that focused on everything but what Tilden was saying and doing. It has been a long time coming for these good men and each one of them deserves to be heard. Political Corruption will be brought to the forefront and you will read words straight from the horses mouth about how the media played their role with the corrupter. Enough said, "Time for the truth to be revealed."
Tilden during his time was known as the Great Reformer...and he earned many political enemies because he took a stance each and every time he exposed them and put them out of business. Tilden's weapon against them was "Truth" ...There is nothing more frightening to a corrupt politician than the truth...They have spent a life time hiding him and I will spend the next 6 months revealing it to my readers.
Samuel J. Tilden - the Real 19th President of the United States. He was Governor of New York and Founder of the New York Public Library. He was a Politician like none other - he truly and unselfishly loved America and the people. Our current Congress, Judiciary and President ignore his existence when in fact they would be better politicians if they followed his lead like so many have in the past when they sought his advise. Tilden's genius advice was sought by Presidents, Congressional leaders and the Judicial from both Democrats and Republicans. Presidents Martin Van Buren, Pierce, Lincoln and Cleveland to name a few.
This Blog and is being set up to take readers on the Tilden life journey with me as I research, write and produce his story. It is my hope that as I write about Mr. Tilden and struggle with the technical editing process we will all have a few laughs at my fallibles. I am planning to take this project global and tour with the my books and documentary. I am thankful for one thing that is for sure....History has a long shelf life and since I first discovered Mr. Tilden on a dusty old book shelf back in 1994 - we have gone through a few Presidents and Congressional leaders. I have compared their careers to Tilden's and found not a one of them came close to the same accomplishments as Mr. Tilden.
Nikki Oldaker, Author/Producer
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Somehow by an act of the Universe Blockbuster video where I rent my movies online shipped me this documentary - "America Betrayed"... I contacted Blockbuster to ask them how this happened - they had no idea...Anyway - long story short my husband and I watched and were appalled by what we saw...
I highly recommend anyone reading this to go rent the film and watch it. Then do what ever you feel you should by asking your Congress and U.S. Senate as well as President Obama... The director of the film mentions the "Revolving Door Syndrome" and "Disaster Capitalism" details how NO BID contracts are set in motion. I spoke about these contracts when I ran for the U.S. Senate as an Independent write in election 2000 - and how they needed to be stopped. I am appalled as a citizen that our President and our Congress wastes hundreds of thousands of dollars to taxpayers to fly to their Parties big splashy party food wasting fund-raisers. Shame - shame on each and every one of these people...You should correct the wrongs or resign your offices immediately.
Currently I am producing a documentary about Samuel Jones Tilden to go with the two books I've recently published. From my research I have discovered that government cronyism has been going on since the birth of our nation. Tilden was a Reformer who ran on the REFORM platform - My goal is to tell his story and how he was able to expose and reform government during his career. He was able to show the citizens of America how to expose these Frauders...Today these cronies are a tight knit circle of people who are "legally" robbing America and her Citizens blind.
We need to stop the no bid contracts - we need as a nation to demand that not one more playground or frivolous wasteful project spend taxpayer dollars. I call on our Congress, Senate and President to stop these frauds and appoint Citizen Reporters to use their digital cameras to take off the name calling of Whistle-Blower and change it to American Patriot Reformer. I call on them to stop the frauds from occurring and to invest the money back into our infrastructures and cities where it belongs. Paying for personal expenditures to attend a political partisan party is not in the taxpayers best interests...It is selfish and it is wrong.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Prez Obama Is Very Funny & Rich- but Can He Govern? The Homeless are Usually a Good Indicator and I Haven't Heard Him Address This Problem - Have you?

I just watched the White House Correspondence Dinner C-Span video tapes on Huffington Post - and laughed at some of the jokes President Obama was telling...they were very funny...After his comedy act was over the question I asked myself - "Sure he can tell good jokes - but can he govern? Will he help the homeless and down and out as he promised...At these dinners some $5,000 scholarships are given away...then I thought - wow - I wonder what the Homeless could use that money for? Hmmm - the answers were endless.

1) NYC Starts Charging Rent at Homeless Shelters - One single mother living in a Manhattan shelter tells the Times she got a letter saying she had to give up $336 of the $800 she makes each month as a cashier. Vanessa Dacosta makes $8.40 an hour at Sbarro. She got a letter under her door at the shelter a few weeks ago saying she'd have to fork up nearly half of what she was bringing in. For Dacosta, who pays nearly $100 a week on child care for her 2-year-old, paying the shelter is hardly an expense she can afford.
2) Most vulnerable hit hardest by recession - BRIDGEPORT, CT -- Dee Brassell was earning $60,000 a year at a liquor distributor in White Plains, N.Y. when the recession hit home last June and she was laid off.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Bourbon Democrats Had it Right - Today We Are Stuck With the Pina Colada Democrats that supported NIJA LOANS
Bourbon Democrats Had it Right - Today We Are Stuck With the Pina Colada Democrats - Sitting on the Beach and drinking Rum All Day on Everyone Elses Dollars.
Bourbon Democrat was a term used in the United States from 1876 to 1904 to refer to a conservative or classical liberal member of the Democratic Party, especially one who supported President Grover Cleveland in 1884–1896 and Alton B. Parker in 1904. After 1904, the Bourbons faded away. Woodrow Wilson, who had been a Bourbon, came to terms with William Jennings Bryan in 1912.
Bourbon Democrats represented business interests, supported banking and railroad goals, promoted laissez-faire capitalism (which included opposition to the protectionism Republicans then advocated), opposed imperialism and U.S. overseas expansion, fought for the gold standard, and opposed bimetallism. They strongly supported reform movements such as Civil Service Reform and opposed corruption of city bosses, leading the fight against the Tweed Ring. The corruption theme earned the votes of many Republican Mugwumps in 1884.
Stock market crashes
1797 panic • 1819 panic • 1869 black Friday • 1873 panic • Paris 1882 • 1884 panic • 1893 panic • 1896 panic • 1901 panic • 1907 panic • 1929 Wall Street crash • 1973–1974 stock market crash • 1982 Souk Al-Manakh stock market crash • 1987 Black Monday • 1989 Friday the 13th mini-crash • 1997 Asian financial crisis • 1997 mini-crash • 1998 Russian financial crisis • Dot-com bubble crash of 2000 • 2002 stock market downturn • 2007 Chinese correction • 2008–09 Global financial crisis • US bear market of 2007-2009
A Ninja Loan is a type of subprime loan issued to borrowers with No Income, No Job, (and) no Assets. The phrase was coined by HCL Finance as a name for one of their finance products. They were especially prominent during the United States housing bubble of the 2000s but have gained wider notoriety due to the subprime mortgage crisis in July/August 2007 as a prime example of poor lending practices[1]. The term grew in usage during the 2008 financial crisis as the sub prime mortgage crisis was blamed on such loans. It works on two levels - as an acronym; and allusion to the fact that ninja loans are often defaulted on, with the borrower disappearing like a ninja.
Bourbon Democrat was a term used in the United States from 1876 to 1904 to refer to a conservative or classical liberal member of the Democratic Party, especially one who supported President Grover Cleveland in 1884–1896 and Alton B. Parker in 1904. After 1904, the Bourbons faded away. Woodrow Wilson, who had been a Bourbon, came to terms with William Jennings Bryan in 1912.
Bourbon Democrats represented business interests, supported banking and railroad goals, promoted laissez-faire capitalism (which included opposition to the protectionism Republicans then advocated), opposed imperialism and U.S. overseas expansion, fought for the gold standard, and opposed bimetallism. They strongly supported reform movements such as Civil Service Reform and opposed corruption of city bosses, leading the fight against the Tweed Ring. The corruption theme earned the votes of many Republican Mugwumps in 1884.
Stock market crashes
1797 panic • 1819 panic • 1869 black Friday • 1873 panic • Paris 1882 • 1884 panic • 1893 panic • 1896 panic • 1901 panic • 1907 panic • 1929 Wall Street crash • 1973–1974 stock market crash • 1982 Souk Al-Manakh stock market crash • 1987 Black Monday • 1989 Friday the 13th mini-crash • 1997 Asian financial crisis • 1997 mini-crash • 1998 Russian financial crisis • Dot-com bubble crash of 2000 • 2002 stock market downturn • 2007 Chinese correction • 2008–09 Global financial crisis • US bear market of 2007-2009
A Ninja Loan is a type of subprime loan issued to borrowers with No Income, No Job, (and) no Assets. The phrase was coined by HCL Finance as a name for one of their finance products. They were especially prominent during the United States housing bubble of the 2000s but have gained wider notoriety due to the subprime mortgage crisis in July/August 2007 as a prime example of poor lending practices[1]. The term grew in usage during the 2008 financial crisis as the sub prime mortgage crisis was blamed on such loans. It works on two levels - as an acronym; and allusion to the fact that ninja loans are often defaulted on, with the borrower disappearing like a ninja.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Samuel Tilden, the Real 19th President - Book Excerpt - Documentary in Pre-Production 2009

Show Biz East Productions
ISBN-13: 9780978669805
288pp - $16.95
ISBN-13: 9780978669805
288pp - $16.95
November 6, 1876
New York City
The sign on the door indicates Managing Editor and the name above the sign is John C. Reid. It is Election Eve and the mood is tense for the two reform candidates running for President of the United States in the Centennial election. The Republicans are fearful, feeling that in this the election the Democrats are going to win the White House from them. The National Headquarters for both the Republicans and Democrats are in New York City. As Reid looks through his office windows at the bustling city street below, he can almost feel the damp and bone chilling drizzle that is steadily falling from the overcast sky, a typical New England weather event New Yorkers are accustom to. He thinks to himself, Damn Dirty Democrats are going to win the White House. A majority of the city dwellers are home with their families hunkered down by their fireplaces while hundreds of others, that are loyal to both parties, parade around in the streets holding up campaign signs.
On this election eve, not one voter, the party leaders on either side or the candidates themselves, suspect that any newspaper editor has any reason or the influence to devise a scheme to hijack the election. However, this editor not only understands the power of the press, but also has every intention on using it. This newsman knows his paper has the credibility to pull it off and he is willing to put his reputation on the line to confuse the voting results. After all, he thinks to himself, why be the managing editor of the New York Times if you can’t wield some of that power and influence when it’s important and necessary to do so?
The Democratic Campaign Headquarters located at the Everett House on 4th and 17th streets is a short distance from the Republican Headquarters, situated in the 5th Avenue Hotel located on 5th Avenue and 23rd streets. The Democratic nominee is New York Governor Samuel Jones Tilden. He is popular for his reform tactics and the takedown of the Tammany Hall Boss William Tweed and Mid West Canal Rings. The Republican candidate is Rutherford B. Hayes, also known for his reform tactics. He is currently the Governor of Ohio, a Civil War veteran and hero to his party. Hayes and most of his supporters are fearful that they’re going to lose control of the White House and be blamed for the corruption running rampant in the current Grant Administration. They are counting on keeping control in the Senate and have plans to winning back control from the Democrats in the House.
The latest polls are showing Tilden slightly ahead by a comfortable margin. Many in the country are dismayed with politics after two terms of scandal within the Grant administration. The Democrats boast of having over half the country’s population and are ready for change. They are convinced if Tilden wins, they will have it. At the present time, not one person realizes or even imagines that in a few days there will be protesting riots in the streets with bloodshed and anarchy. After all, the Civil War has just recently ended and the bloody violence with it. The country is in the midst of healing itself.
John C. Reid, as the Managing Editor, continues to analyze and monitor the pre-election results for the New York Times. He spent time in the infamous Libby Prison Camp where an estimated 56,000 prisoners died of disease and malnutrition. As a vocal advocate for Negro equality during the Civil War he defended the rights of freedom for all men regardless of color. Reid doesn’t like the Democrats and he likes Tilden even less. Though Tilden is against slavery and wants reforms in the South, something with which Reid is in total agreement, it does nothing to reduce his distaste for the Democratic candidate. Reid wants Hayes and the Republicans to run the country and no one or no thing is going to change his mind. And I’m going to do everything I can to make it happen, even if it means committing … fraud, he thinks to himself. With this final thought and this very last word, he pauses; the simple word “fraud” leaves a bad taste in his mouth. But just as suddenly his thoughts return to the Democrats and their candidate. Steeling himself and his resolve once more, he realizes he must remain focused. He knows what he must do and has spent a lot of time planning his scheme. He knows he needs the support of the Republican leaders to pull this off. He must convince the party leaders that the three states of Louisiana, South Carolina and Florida are the key to taking the election from Tilden. As long as these three states remain under reconstruction and Republican control under the Grant administration, there’s a good chance his plan to deceive will work. Certainly the current President and his Republican Administration will support his efforts, he thinks to himself. He also takes into account Tilden’s a man of high integrity and ego and that he’ll go along with a recount, just to prove to the populous that he has won the election fair and square. Reid’s plan is flawless as far as he’s concerned, the Public Trust or Article II of the U.S. Constitution – clause 3 – are just minor issues that can be dealt with swiftly and efficiently at a later time.
The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice President.
Reid, now focused, is determined and ready to rock the boat of the American voting system and the people who put their faith in it. He’s a writer and editor with great influence, and he knows how to challenge others. He has done it everyday for a living. He knows that the words in the U.S. Constitution are just words with great intent to create a system of justice for the people, and written by good men. It is his conclusion that these words, just like the men from the past that wrote them, are flawed....
Go to to purchase
November 6, 1876
New York City
The sign on the door indicates Managing Editor and the name above the sign is John C. Reid. It is Election Eve and the mood is tense for the two reform candidates running for President of the United States in the Centennial election. The Republicans are fearful, feeling that in this the election the Democrats are going to win the White House from them. The National Headquarters for both the Republicans and Democrats are in New York City. As Reid looks through his office windows at the bustling city street below, he can almost feel the damp and bone chilling drizzle that is steadily falling from the overcast sky, a typical New England weather event New Yorkers are accustom to. He thinks to himself, Damn Dirty Democrats are going to win the White House. A majority of the city dwellers are home with their families hunkered down by their fireplaces while hundreds of others, that are loyal to both parties, parade around in the streets holding up campaign signs.
On this election eve, not one voter, the party leaders on either side or the candidates themselves, suspect that any newspaper editor has any reason or the influence to devise a scheme to hijack the election. However, this editor not only understands the power of the press, but also has every intention on using it. This newsman knows his paper has the credibility to pull it off and he is willing to put his reputation on the line to confuse the voting results. After all, he thinks to himself, why be the managing editor of the New York Times if you can’t wield some of that power and influence when it’s important and necessary to do so?
The Democratic Campaign Headquarters located at the Everett House on 4th and 17th streets is a short distance from the Republican Headquarters, situated in the 5th Avenue Hotel located on 5th Avenue and 23rd streets. The Democratic nominee is New York Governor Samuel Jones Tilden. He is popular for his reform tactics and the takedown of the Tammany Hall Boss William Tweed and Mid West Canal Rings. The Republican candidate is Rutherford B. Hayes, also known for his reform tactics. He is currently the Governor of Ohio, a Civil War veteran and hero to his party. Hayes and most of his supporters are fearful that they’re going to lose control of the White House and be blamed for the corruption running rampant in the current Grant Administration. They are counting on keeping control in the Senate and have plans to winning back control from the Democrats in the House.
The latest polls are showing Tilden slightly ahead by a comfortable margin. Many in the country are dismayed with politics after two terms of scandal within the Grant administration. The Democrats boast of having over half the country’s population and are ready for change. They are convinced if Tilden wins, they will have it. At the present time, not one person realizes or even imagines that in a few days there will be protesting riots in the streets with bloodshed and anarchy. After all, the Civil War has just recently ended and the bloody violence with it. The country is in the midst of healing itself.
John C. Reid, as the Managing Editor, continues to analyze and monitor the pre-election results for the New York Times. He spent time in the infamous Libby Prison Camp where an estimated 56,000 prisoners died of disease and malnutrition. As a vocal advocate for Negro equality during the Civil War he defended the rights of freedom for all men regardless of color. Reid doesn’t like the Democrats and he likes Tilden even less. Though Tilden is against slavery and wants reforms in the South, something with which Reid is in total agreement, it does nothing to reduce his distaste for the Democratic candidate. Reid wants Hayes and the Republicans to run the country and no one or no thing is going to change his mind. And I’m going to do everything I can to make it happen, even if it means committing … fraud, he thinks to himself. With this final thought and this very last word, he pauses; the simple word “fraud” leaves a bad taste in his mouth. But just as suddenly his thoughts return to the Democrats and their candidate. Steeling himself and his resolve once more, he realizes he must remain focused. He knows what he must do and has spent a lot of time planning his scheme. He knows he needs the support of the Republican leaders to pull this off. He must convince the party leaders that the three states of Louisiana, South Carolina and Florida are the key to taking the election from Tilden. As long as these three states remain under reconstruction and Republican control under the Grant administration, there’s a good chance his plan to deceive will work. Certainly the current President and his Republican Administration will support his efforts, he thinks to himself. He also takes into account Tilden’s a man of high integrity and ego and that he’ll go along with a recount, just to prove to the populous that he has won the election fair and square. Reid’s plan is flawless as far as he’s concerned, the Public Trust or Article II of the U.S. Constitution – clause 3 – are just minor issues that can be dealt with swiftly and efficiently at a later time.
The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice President.
Reid, now focused, is determined and ready to rock the boat of the American voting system and the people who put their faith in it. He’s a writer and editor with great influence, and he knows how to challenge others. He has done it everyday for a living. He knows that the words in the U.S. Constitution are just words with great intent to create a system of justice for the people, and written by good men. It is his conclusion that these words, just like the men from the past that wrote them, are flawed....
Go to to purchase
Samuel Tilden was a Bourbon Democrat - (Wikipedia definition) which was a term used in the United States from 1876 to 1904 to refer to a conservative or classical liberal member of the Democratic Party.
Bourbon Democrats represented business interests, supported banking and railroad goals, promoted laissez-faire capitalism (which included opposition to the protectionism Republicans then advocated), opposed imperialism and U.S. overseas expansion, fought for the gold standard, and opposed bimetallism. They strongly supported reform movements such as Civil Service Reform and opposed corruption of city bosses, leading the fight against the Tweed Ring. The corruption theme earned the votes of many Republican Mugwumps in 1884.
Laissez-faire (pronunciation: French, [lɛsefɛʁ] (help·info); English, ˌleɪseɪˈfɛər (help·info)) is a term used to describe a policy of allowing events to take their own course. The term is a French phrase literally meaning "let do". It is a doctrine that states that government generally should not intervene in the marketplace.[1]
The term is often used to refer to various economic philosophies and political philosophies which seek to minimize or eliminate government intervention in most or all aspects of society.
Republican Mugwumps were the Republican political activists who supported Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland in the United States presidential election of 1884. They switched parties because they rejected the financial corruption associated with Republican candidate James G. Blaine. In a close election, the Mugwumps supposedly made the difference in New York state and swung the election to Cleveland. The word Mugwumps is from Indian derivation to suggest that they were "sanctimonious" or holier-than-thou."[1]
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Discovery Crew Set for Saturday Landing 1:39 p.m. landing at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Discovery Crew Set for Saturday Landing 1:39 p.m. landing
Discovery Crew Set for Saturday Landing
Fri, 27 Mar 2009 09:17:39 PM EDT
The astronauts on space shuttle Discovery are preparing to spend what is planned to be their final night in orbit, with wake up set for 5:13 a.m. EDT Saturday to ready for a 1:39 p.m. landing at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Weather conditions are forecast to be acceptable for the shuttle's return home to Florida.
Discovery's crew will go to sleep at 9:13 p.m. Following wake up on Saturday, they will begin deorbit preparations at 8:33 a.m. Discovery will fire its engines at 12:33 p.m. to begin the descent to Florida. A second opportunity is available if needed for Discovery to land at Kennedy on Saturday, beginning with a deorbit burn engine firing at 2:08 p.m. leading to a 3:14 p.m. touchdown.
Discovery Crew Set for Saturday Landing
Fri, 27 Mar 2009 09:17:39 PM EDT
The astronauts on space shuttle Discovery are preparing to spend what is planned to be their final night in orbit, with wake up set for 5:13 a.m. EDT Saturday to ready for a 1:39 p.m. landing at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Weather conditions are forecast to be acceptable for the shuttle's return home to Florida.
Discovery's crew will go to sleep at 9:13 p.m. Following wake up on Saturday, they will begin deorbit preparations at 8:33 a.m. Discovery will fire its engines at 12:33 p.m. to begin the descent to Florida. A second opportunity is available if needed for Discovery to land at Kennedy on Saturday, beginning with a deorbit burn engine firing at 2:08 p.m. leading to a 3:14 p.m. touchdown.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
(This one's called: "Taxman")
(One, two, three, four, one two)
Let me tell you how it will be
There's one for you, nineteen for me
'Cause I'm the taxman
Yeah, I'm the taxman
Should five percent appear too small
Be thankful I don't take it all
'Cause I'm the taxman
Yeah, I'm the taxman
(If you drive a car car) I'll tax the street
(If you try to sit sit) I'll tax your seat
(If you get too cold cold) I'll tax the heat
(If you take a walk walk) I'll tax your feet
'Cause I'm the taxman
Yeah, I'm the taxman
Don't ask me what I want it for
(Ah, ah, Mr. Major)
If you don't want to pay some more
(Ah, ah, Mr. [..])
'Cause I'm the taxman
Yeah, I'm the taxman
If I reduce it again you'll see
(Ah, ah, Boris Yeltzin)
Get back more at the V.A.T.
(Ah, ah, Mr. Bush)
'Cause I'm the taxman
Yeah, I'm the taxman
If you get a head head, I'll tax your hat
If you get a pet pet, I'll tax your cat
If you wipe your feet feet, I'll tax your mat
If you're overwieght weight, I'll tax your fat
Now my advise to those who die
Declare the pennies on your eyes
'Cause I'm the taxman
Yeah, I'm the taxman.
And you're working for no one, but me
Yes, I'm the taxman
Yeah, I'm the taxman
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I found this article most interesting...The states hit the hardest, like Florida are at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to Stimulus money...I'd like to know how the Dem Congress and Obama team decided how the money was to be distributed and why Rhode Island and DC are at the top of their recipient list? Alaska was a surprise too...this state showed up as one of the least distressed in other comparisons...New York, no surprise there...with Clinton at the helm...same for Vermont...little Howard Dean obviously paid off for them...goes a long way...The best part is not ONE of these states (and one that is not a state DC) are the big winners...Duh? I bet old Illinois and the state that helped Obama make it to the top is not happy to see these results...hmmm - guess they didn't help as much as they should have.
Florida was hit hard by recession, but its cut is among lowest
The Top 5 recipients, measured by per capita share of the $787 billion stimulus:
Washington, D.C. - $2,598
Rhode Island - $2,272
Alaska - $2,190
New York - $2,181
Vermont - $2,163
The five states receiving the lowest per capita share:
Utah - $1,372
Colorado - $1,452
Virginia - $1,526
Texas - $1,533
Florida - $1,545.47
Source: Center for American Progress, U.S. Census Bureau
Each month the Kaiser Family Foundation, a private nonprofit group, measures economic distress through a combination of home foreclosures, unemployment rates and food stamp participation. Here are the five most distressed states, and the five least.
Most distressed
Least distressed
North Dakota
West Virginia
Sources: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (
Click here to read the rest of the story...
Florida was hit hard by recession, but its cut is among lowest
The Top 5 recipients, measured by per capita share of the $787 billion stimulus:
Washington, D.C. - $2,598
Rhode Island - $2,272
Alaska - $2,190
New York - $2,181
Vermont - $2,163
The five states receiving the lowest per capita share:
Utah - $1,372
Colorado - $1,452
Virginia - $1,526
Texas - $1,533
Florida - $1,545.47
Source: Center for American Progress, U.S. Census Bureau
Each month the Kaiser Family Foundation, a private nonprofit group, measures economic distress through a combination of home foreclosures, unemployment rates and food stamp participation. Here are the five most distressed states, and the five least.
Most distressed
Least distressed
North Dakota
West Virginia
Sources: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (
Click here to read the rest of the story...
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Want to read a funny screen play about the takedown of the IRS? If so, click the link above...I wrote this script in 1994 - it was my firsr...I never would have imagined the Boston Tea Party protests starting March 28 thru April 15th nationwide would have spurred the American people to rise up and say, "No More!"

Banner from Jim Blazik blog
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Samuel Tilden Reform Statements For Politicians and Judges
These are just a few of the statements Samuel Tilden made regarding reform in government...because he spoke 19th century English I've added some definitions.
Reforms must come from plain people and not from above...
All history shows that reforms in government must not be expected from those who sit serenely on the social mountain tops enjoying the benefits of the existing order of things.
I appeal particularly to the poor man, whose home is fixed and difficult of change. He is concerned in matters of government more virally than the rich man who, removing his residence with comparative ease can escape the oppressions of a government that he regards as intolerable.
It is rarely if ever possible for a party in office to reform itself by the internal force of its best elements. We must have a better state of things in national, state and municipal governments, and a higher standard in the public mind by which official men will be tried. They should refer their silent mediation's in their actions, if we are to preserve anything of value in in our political systems.
A reformed judiciary is an essential of good government.
A reform in the administration was not only inimically (defined:having the disposition of an enemy : hostile) the most important but was a measure without which every other reform would prove nugatory (inconsequential.)
Reforms must come from plain people and not from above...
All history shows that reforms in government must not be expected from those who sit serenely on the social mountain tops enjoying the benefits of the existing order of things.
I appeal particularly to the poor man, whose home is fixed and difficult of change. He is concerned in matters of government more virally than the rich man who, removing his residence with comparative ease can escape the oppressions of a government that he regards as intolerable.
It is rarely if ever possible for a party in office to reform itself by the internal force of its best elements. We must have a better state of things in national, state and municipal governments, and a higher standard in the public mind by which official men will be tried. They should refer their silent mediation's in their actions, if we are to preserve anything of value in in our political systems.
A reformed judiciary is an essential of good government.
A reform in the administration was not only inimically (defined:having the disposition of an enemy : hostile) the most important but was a measure without which every other reform would prove nugatory (inconsequential.)
Monday, March 02, 2009
March 3, 1877 - On this day in History - America Swore in the Wrong President

Hardcover with Dust Jacket - $35.85
ISBN 978-0-9786698-1-2
For Immediate Release:
Contact Info: Nikki Oldaker:
(727) 812-8905
Clearwater, FL 33759
March 3, 1877 - On this day in History - America Swore in the Wrong President
President Rutherford B. Hayes was secretly sworn into office on March 3, 1877 in the Red Room of the White House during President Grant's farewell dinner. New York Governor Samuel Tilden never conceded his Presidency but Hayes wrote in his diary the night of election November 7, 1876 that he accepted Tilden win. Rutherford B. Hayes who earned the nicknames, "Rutherfraud"and "Old 7 to 8" after a Special Commission was signed into law that anointed Hayes the Presidency. On March 5, 1877 Hayes was sworn into office a second time and announced he would not seek a second term. "The Life of Samuel J. Tilden", written by John Bigelow, and Revised and Edited by Nikki Oldaker is being released to commemorate the date America swore the wrong President into office. John Bigelow was a co-owner of the New York Evening Post, an American Statesman, a Lawyer, and President Abraham Lincoln appointed him Consul at Paris in 1861. Bigelow also published, "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin" and was instrumental as one of the Tilden Executors in fulfilling the wishes of the his friend to form the "Tilden Trust" to build the New York Public Library in New York City.
A revised edition of John Bigelow’s “The Life of Samuel J. Tilden” first published in 1895 is set to for release globally March 9, 2009. Nikki Oldaker, Producer and Writer of “Samuel Tilden the Real 19th President” short video presentation and Author of “Samuel Tilden the Real 19th President” revised and edited the edition of the Tilden biography book written by John Bigelow.
Oldaker quips, “Mis-information is being given to news viewers, students studying politics, law and history on blogs, during occasional news stories and in books written about the man and his 1876 election dispute. To name one in particular, Tilden never conceded his Presidency to Hayes.”

The revised and edited book has been dedicated to; Librarians and History Teachers Worldwide. In the book’s Acknowledgment page Oldaker names the National Arts Club Presidents (Tilden's South Gramercy Park historical landmark home) specifically O. Aldon James Jr., the current President of the Arts club. This year’s Annual Tilden dinner celebrates Tilden’s 195th birthday. It has been rumored that the members only dinner guests attending will dress in 19th century costume and dine on food prepared from the same time period. It’s been reported that President Obama’s Inaugural team did the same for his Inauguration dining on President Lincoln’s cuisine. Oldaker sent her new revision of the book to the National Arts Club to celebrate the event.
Bigelow’s biography tells of Tilden when he was New York’s Governor during 1875 and about the 1876 election and beyond. Bigelow describes Tilden as a reformer that busted up the corrupt William “Boss” Tweed Ring as well as the corrupt Canal Ring. People across the nation adored him and that reflected in the election returns when he won by a landslide victory. He tells how the corrupt administration of President Grant conspired to cheat Tilden out of his Presidency with the help of southern Democrats even though Grant himself believed Tilden won the election fair and square. Hayes was sworn into office the first time in the Red Room of the White House in secret for fear Tilden supporters would shoot him. Tilden has engraved on his tombstone, "I Still Trust in the People" and is quoted in historical records as saying,"When the People Rise the System Gets Cleansed."
The Fifth Avenue entrance of the New York Public library was renamed “John Bigelow Plaza” when Rudy Giuliani was Mayor. Bigelow's book describes in detail Tilden’s Greystone farm which was located on the Hudson River and how valuable Tilden was to the Democratic Party as a political mentor. When Tilden died in August of 1886 people flocked at his home and along the rail tracks from New York City all the way to New Lebanon, New York his birthplace to pay their respects. Political dignitaries attended his funeral including President Cleveland.
Oldaker is currently planning a book tour to promote and market both her books on Tilden and is currently in pre-production to produce a audio book and documentary referencing both her books on Tilden.
For more information go to:
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Did Any These Taxes Exist 100 Years Ago???
Another interesting email...the challenge - did any of these taxes exist 100 years ago?
We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in
the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What in the heck happened? Can you spell 'politicians????!!!!'
And I still have to 'press 1' for English!?!?!?!?
I hope this goes to every American at least 100 times!!!!! YOU can
help it get there!!!!
> GO AHEAD - - - BE AN AMERICAN !!!!!!
> Tax his land,
> Tax his bed,
> Tax the table
> At which he's fed.
> Tax his tractor,
> Tax his mule,
> Teach him taxes
> Are the rule.
> Tax his work,
> Tax his pay,
> He works for peanuts Anyway!
> Tax his cow,
> Tax his goat,
> Tax his pants,
> Tax his coat.
> Tax his ties,
> Tax his shirt,
> Tax his work,
> Tax his dirt.
> Tax his tobacco,
> Tax his drink,
> Tax him if he
> Tries to think.
> Tax his cigars,
> Tax his beers,
> If he cries
> Tax his tears.
> Tax his car,
> Tax his gas,
> Find other ways
> To tax his a**.
> Tax all he has
> Then let him know
> That you won't be done
> Till he has no dough.
> When he screams and hollers,
> Then tax him some more,
> Tax him till
> He's good and sore.
> Then tax his coffin,
> Tax his grave,
> Tax the sod in
> Which he's laid.
> Put these words
> upon his tomb,
> ' Taxes drove me to my doom...'
> When he's gone,
> Do not relax,
> Its time to apply
> The inheritance tax.
> Accounts Receivable Tax
> Building Permit Tax
> CDL license Tax
> Cigarette Tax
> Corporate Income Tax
> Dog License Tax
> Excise Taxes
> Federal Income Tax
> Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
> Fishing License Tax
> Food License Tax
> Fuel Permit Tax
> Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
> Gross Receipts Tax
> Hunting License Tax
> Inheritance Tax
> Inventory Tax
> Liquor Tax
> Luxury Taxes
> Marriage License Tax
> Medicare Tax
> Personal Property Tax
> Property Tax
> Real Estate Tax
> Social Security Tax
> Road Usage Tax
> Sales Tax
> Recreational Vehicle Tax
> School Tax
> State Income Tax
> State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
> Telephone Federal Excise Tax
> Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
> Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
> Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
> Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
> Telephone State and Local Tax
> Telephone Usage Charge Tax
> Utility Taxes
> Vehicle License Registration Tax
> Vehicle Sales Tax
> Watercraft Registration Tax
> Well Permit Tax
> Workers Compensation Tax
We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in
the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What in the heck happened? Can you spell 'politicians????!!!!'
And I still have to 'press 1' for English!?!?!?!?
I hope this goes to every American at least 100 times!!!!! YOU can
help it get there!!!!
> GO AHEAD - - - BE AN AMERICAN !!!!!!
> Tax his land,
> Tax his bed,
> Tax the table
> At which he's fed.
> Tax his tractor,
> Tax his mule,
> Teach him taxes
> Are the rule.
> Tax his work,
> Tax his pay,
> He works for peanuts Anyway!
> Tax his cow,
> Tax his goat,
> Tax his pants,
> Tax his coat.
> Tax his ties,
> Tax his shirt,
> Tax his work,
> Tax his dirt.
> Tax his tobacco,
> Tax his drink,
> Tax him if he
> Tries to think.
> Tax his cigars,
> Tax his beers,
> If he cries
> Tax his tears.
> Tax his car,
> Tax his gas,
> Find other ways
> To tax his a**.
> Tax all he has
> Then let him know
> That you won't be done
> Till he has no dough.
> When he screams and hollers,
> Then tax him some more,
> Tax him till
> He's good and sore.
> Then tax his coffin,
> Tax his grave,
> Tax the sod in
> Which he's laid.
> Put these words
> upon his tomb,
> ' Taxes drove me to my doom...'
> When he's gone,
> Do not relax,
> Its time to apply
> The inheritance tax.
> Accounts Receivable Tax
> Building Permit Tax
> CDL license Tax
> Cigarette Tax
> Corporate Income Tax
> Dog License Tax
> Excise Taxes
> Federal Income Tax
> Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
> Fishing License Tax
> Food License Tax
> Fuel Permit Tax
> Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
> Gross Receipts Tax
> Hunting License Tax
> Inheritance Tax
> Inventory Tax
> Liquor Tax
> Luxury Taxes
> Marriage License Tax
> Medicare Tax
> Personal Property Tax
> Property Tax
> Real Estate Tax
> Social Security Tax
> Road Usage Tax
> Sales Tax
> Recreational Vehicle Tax
> School Tax
> State Income Tax
> State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
> Telephone Federal Excise Tax
> Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
> Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
> Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
> Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
> Telephone State and Local Tax
> Telephone Usage Charge Tax
> Utility Taxes
> Vehicle License Registration Tax
> Vehicle Sales Tax
> Watercraft Registration Tax
> Well Permit Tax
> Workers Compensation Tax
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Press Info:The Life of Samuel J Tilden, Biography Revised and Edited by Nikki Oldaker-Tilden Was the Great Reformer, Great Forecloser, Great Financier

A revised edition of John Bigelow’s “The Life of Samuel J. Tilden” first published in 1895 is set to for release globally March 9, 2009. Nikki Oldaker, Producer and Writer of “Samuel Tilden the Real 19th President” short video presentation and Author of “Samuel Tilden the Real 19th President” revised and edited the edition of the Tilden biography book written by John Bigelow.
ISBN-13: 9780978669812
Oldaker quips, “Mis-information is being given to news viewers, students studying politics, law and history on blogs, during occasional news stories and in books written about the man and his1876 election dispute. To name one in particular, Tilden never conceded his Presidency to Hayes.”
The revised and edited book has been dedicated to; Librarians and History Teachers Worldwide. In the book’s Acknowledgment page Oldaker names the National Arts Club Presidents and specifically O. Aldon James Jr., the current President of the club. This year’s Annual Tilden dinner celebrates Tilden’s 195th birthday. Guests attending will dress in 19th century costume and dine on food prepared from the same time period. It’s been reported that President Obama’s Inaugural team did the same for his Inauguration using President Lincoln’s cuisine. Oldaker sent her new revision of the book to the National Arts Club to celebrate the event.
Bigelow’s biography tells of Tilden when he was New York’s Governor during 1875 and about the 1876 election and beyond. Bigelow describes Tilden as a reformer that busted up the corrupt William “Boss” Tweed Ring as well as the corrupt Canal Ring. People across the nation adored him and that reflected in the election returns when he won by a landslide victory. He tells how the corrupt administration of President Grant conspired to cheat Tilden out of his Presidency with the help of southern Democrats even though Grant himself believed Tilden won the election fair and square. Hayes was sworn into office the first time in the Red Room of the White House in secret for fear Tilden supporters would shoot him.
The Fifth Avenue entrance of the New York Public library was renamed “John Bigelow Plaza” when Giuliani was Mayor. Bigelow's book describes in detail Tilden’s Greystone farm which was located on the Hudson River and how valuable Tilden was to the Democratic Party as a political mentor. Bigelow’s account of Tilden’s life is rich with historical facts that readers will find informative and interesting regarding political life in the 19th Century.
Oldaker is currently planning a book tour to promote and market both her books on Tilden. The new edition is currently discounted and available for Pre-Sale orders online at Barnes and Noble.
Nikki plunged into her political breech at the 1992 Democratic Political Convention and two more successive ones co-managing "The VIP Backstage Room" for candidates and speakers who went before the TV cameras in 2000 and 2004. She ran for office as a Write in U.S. Senate Candidate FL 2000. Currently she resides with her husband Eric in Clearwater, FL. For more information go to:
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