Another interesting email...the challenge - did any of these taxes exist 100 years ago?
We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in
the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What in the heck happened? Can you spell 'politicians????!!!!'
And I still have to 'press 1' for English!?!?!?!?
I hope this goes to every American at least 100 times!!!!! YOU can
help it get there!!!!
> GO AHEAD - - - BE AN AMERICAN !!!!!!
> Tax his land,
> Tax his bed,
> Tax the table
> At which he's fed.
> Tax his tractor,
> Tax his mule,
> Teach him taxes
> Are the rule.
> Tax his work,
> Tax his pay,
> He works for peanuts Anyway!
> Tax his cow,
> Tax his goat,
> Tax his pants,
> Tax his coat.
> Tax his ties,
> Tax his shirt,
> Tax his work,
> Tax his dirt.
> Tax his tobacco,
> Tax his drink,
> Tax him if he
> Tries to think.
> Tax his cigars,
> Tax his beers,
> If he cries
> Tax his tears.
> Tax his car,
> Tax his gas,
> Find other ways
> To tax his a**.
> Tax all he has
> Then let him know
> That you won't be done
> Till he has no dough.
> When he screams and hollers,
> Then tax him some more,
> Tax him till
> He's good and sore.
> Then tax his coffin,
> Tax his grave,
> Tax the sod in
> Which he's laid.
> Put these words
> upon his tomb,
> ' Taxes drove me to my doom...'
> When he's gone,
> Do not relax,
> Its time to apply
> The inheritance tax.
> Accounts Receivable Tax
> Building Permit Tax
> CDL license Tax
> Cigarette Tax
> Corporate Income Tax
> Dog License Tax
> Excise Taxes
> Federal Income Tax
> Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
> Fishing License Tax
> Food License Tax
> Fuel Permit Tax
> Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
> Gross Receipts Tax
> Hunting License Tax
> Inheritance Tax
> Inventory Tax
> Liquor Tax
> Luxury Taxes
> Marriage License Tax
> Medicare Tax
> Personal Property Tax
> Property Tax
> Real Estate Tax
> Social Security Tax
> Road Usage Tax
> Sales Tax
> Recreational Vehicle Tax
> School Tax
> State Income Tax
> State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
> Telephone Federal Excise Tax
> Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
> Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
> Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
> Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
> Telephone State and Local Tax
> Telephone Usage Charge Tax
> Utility Taxes
> Vehicle License Registration Tax
> Vehicle Sales Tax
> Watercraft Registration Tax
> Well Permit Tax
> Workers Compensation Tax
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Press Info:The Life of Samuel J Tilden, Biography Revised and Edited by Nikki Oldaker-Tilden Was the Great Reformer, Great Forecloser, Great Financier

A revised edition of John Bigelow’s “The Life of Samuel J. Tilden” first published in 1895 is set to for release globally March 9, 2009. Nikki Oldaker, Producer and Writer of “Samuel Tilden the Real 19th President” short video presentation and Author of “Samuel Tilden the Real 19th President” revised and edited the edition of the Tilden biography book written by John Bigelow.
ISBN-13: 9780978669812
Oldaker quips, “Mis-information is being given to news viewers, students studying politics, law and history on blogs, during occasional news stories and in books written about the man and his1876 election dispute. To name one in particular, Tilden never conceded his Presidency to Hayes.”
The revised and edited book has been dedicated to; Librarians and History Teachers Worldwide. In the book’s Acknowledgment page Oldaker names the National Arts Club Presidents and specifically O. Aldon James Jr., the current President of the club. This year’s Annual Tilden dinner celebrates Tilden’s 195th birthday. Guests attending will dress in 19th century costume and dine on food prepared from the same time period. It’s been reported that President Obama’s Inaugural team did the same for his Inauguration using President Lincoln’s cuisine. Oldaker sent her new revision of the book to the National Arts Club to celebrate the event.
Bigelow’s biography tells of Tilden when he was New York’s Governor during 1875 and about the 1876 election and beyond. Bigelow describes Tilden as a reformer that busted up the corrupt William “Boss” Tweed Ring as well as the corrupt Canal Ring. People across the nation adored him and that reflected in the election returns when he won by a landslide victory. He tells how the corrupt administration of President Grant conspired to cheat Tilden out of his Presidency with the help of southern Democrats even though Grant himself believed Tilden won the election fair and square. Hayes was sworn into office the first time in the Red Room of the White House in secret for fear Tilden supporters would shoot him.
The Fifth Avenue entrance of the New York Public library was renamed “John Bigelow Plaza” when Giuliani was Mayor. Bigelow's book describes in detail Tilden’s Greystone farm which was located on the Hudson River and how valuable Tilden was to the Democratic Party as a political mentor. Bigelow’s account of Tilden’s life is rich with historical facts that readers will find informative and interesting regarding political life in the 19th Century.
Oldaker is currently planning a book tour to promote and market both her books on Tilden. The new edition is currently discounted and available for Pre-Sale orders online at Barnes and Noble.
Nikki plunged into her political breech at the 1992 Democratic Political Convention and two more successive ones co-managing "The VIP Backstage Room" for candidates and speakers who went before the TV cameras in 2000 and 2004. She ran for office as a Write in U.S. Senate Candidate FL 2000. Currently she resides with her husband Eric in Clearwater, FL. For more information go to:
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