These are just a few of the statements Samuel Tilden made regarding reform in government...because he spoke 19th century English I've added some definitions.
Reforms must come from plain people and not from above...
All history shows that reforms in government must not be expected from those who sit serenely on the social mountain tops enjoying the benefits of the existing order of things.
I appeal particularly to the poor man, whose home is fixed and difficult of change. He is concerned in matters of government more virally than the rich man who, removing his residence with comparative ease can escape the oppressions of a government that he regards as intolerable.
It is rarely if ever possible for a party in office to reform itself by the internal force of its best elements. We must have a better state of things in national, state and municipal governments, and a higher standard in the public mind by which official men will be tried. They should refer their silent mediation's in their actions, if we are to preserve anything of value in in our political systems.
A reformed judiciary is an essential of good government.
A reform in the administration was not only inimically (defined:having the disposition of an enemy : hostile) the most important but was a measure without which every other reform would prove nugatory (inconsequential.)
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Monday, March 02, 2009
March 3, 1877 - On this day in History - America Swore in the Wrong President

Hardcover with Dust Jacket - $35.85
ISBN 978-0-9786698-1-2
For Immediate Release:
Contact Info: Nikki Oldaker:
(727) 812-8905
Clearwater, FL 33759
March 3, 1877 - On this day in History - America Swore in the Wrong President
President Rutherford B. Hayes was secretly sworn into office on March 3, 1877 in the Red Room of the White House during President Grant's farewell dinner. New York Governor Samuel Tilden never conceded his Presidency but Hayes wrote in his diary the night of election November 7, 1876 that he accepted Tilden win. Rutherford B. Hayes who earned the nicknames, "Rutherfraud"and "Old 7 to 8" after a Special Commission was signed into law that anointed Hayes the Presidency. On March 5, 1877 Hayes was sworn into office a second time and announced he would not seek a second term. "The Life of Samuel J. Tilden", written by John Bigelow, and Revised and Edited by Nikki Oldaker is being released to commemorate the date America swore the wrong President into office. John Bigelow was a co-owner of the New York Evening Post, an American Statesman, a Lawyer, and President Abraham Lincoln appointed him Consul at Paris in 1861. Bigelow also published, "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin" and was instrumental as one of the Tilden Executors in fulfilling the wishes of the his friend to form the "Tilden Trust" to build the New York Public Library in New York City.
A revised edition of John Bigelow’s “The Life of Samuel J. Tilden” first published in 1895 is set to for release globally March 9, 2009. Nikki Oldaker, Producer and Writer of “Samuel Tilden the Real 19th President” short video presentation and Author of “Samuel Tilden the Real 19th President” revised and edited the edition of the Tilden biography book written by John Bigelow.
Oldaker quips, “Mis-information is being given to news viewers, students studying politics, law and history on blogs, during occasional news stories and in books written about the man and his 1876 election dispute. To name one in particular, Tilden never conceded his Presidency to Hayes.”

The revised and edited book has been dedicated to; Librarians and History Teachers Worldwide. In the book’s Acknowledgment page Oldaker names the National Arts Club Presidents (Tilden's South Gramercy Park historical landmark home) specifically O. Aldon James Jr., the current President of the Arts club. This year’s Annual Tilden dinner celebrates Tilden’s 195th birthday. It has been rumored that the members only dinner guests attending will dress in 19th century costume and dine on food prepared from the same time period. It’s been reported that President Obama’s Inaugural team did the same for his Inauguration dining on President Lincoln’s cuisine. Oldaker sent her new revision of the book to the National Arts Club to celebrate the event.
Bigelow’s biography tells of Tilden when he was New York’s Governor during 1875 and about the 1876 election and beyond. Bigelow describes Tilden as a reformer that busted up the corrupt William “Boss” Tweed Ring as well as the corrupt Canal Ring. People across the nation adored him and that reflected in the election returns when he won by a landslide victory. He tells how the corrupt administration of President Grant conspired to cheat Tilden out of his Presidency with the help of southern Democrats even though Grant himself believed Tilden won the election fair and square. Hayes was sworn into office the first time in the Red Room of the White House in secret for fear Tilden supporters would shoot him. Tilden has engraved on his tombstone, "I Still Trust in the People" and is quoted in historical records as saying,"When the People Rise the System Gets Cleansed."
The Fifth Avenue entrance of the New York Public library was renamed “John Bigelow Plaza” when Rudy Giuliani was Mayor. Bigelow's book describes in detail Tilden’s Greystone farm which was located on the Hudson River and how valuable Tilden was to the Democratic Party as a political mentor. When Tilden died in August of 1886 people flocked at his home and along the rail tracks from New York City all the way to New Lebanon, New York his birthplace to pay their respects. Political dignitaries attended his funeral including President Cleveland.
Oldaker is currently planning a book tour to promote and market both her books on Tilden and is currently in pre-production to produce a audio book and documentary referencing both her books on Tilden.
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