I just watched the White House Correspondence Dinner C-Span video tapes on Huffington Post - and laughed at some of the jokes President Obama was telling...they were very funny...After his comedy act was over the question I asked myself - "Sure he can tell good jokes - but can he govern? Will he help the homeless and down and out as he promised...At these dinners some $5,000 scholarships are given away...then I thought - wow - I wonder what the Homeless could use that money for? Hmmm - the answers were endless.

So far all I've seen President Obama do is make more promises to the poor and hand over Billions of taxpayer dollars to failing banks and car companies that are the worse money managers in the world....I've seen Obama and his wife fly all over the world, dressed in designer clothes and offer up more speeches of hope and tell more jokes. I've watched as he and the First Lady with their friends and family are partying nightly like there's no tomorrow...they both with their two beautiful girls have the very best of everything taxpayer money can buy...

then I thought but what about all the money he's promised to lift the poor people out of poverty, with millions of jobs...Jobs that pay a living wage...but so far all I've seen by news reports is millions more jobs leave America - millions more Americans, even the educated ones, waiting for these jobs....and in February waiting and in March waiting and April waiting and now May still waiting.

So on behalf of all these waiting people who believed in President Obama - the ones that cannot afford a roof over their heads, and of course not a prayer of ever having a fraction of the money the Obama's have, I will dedicate this BLOG over the summer as I work on my
Samuel Tilden documentary to posting headlines from around the country so the President and his staff can reach out to help these folks:
1) NYC Starts Charging Rent at Homeless Shelters - One single mother living in a Manhattan shelter tells the Times she got a letter saying she had to give up $336 of the $800 she makes each month as a cashier. Vanessa Dacosta makes $8.40 an hour at Sbarro. She got a letter under her door at the shelter a few weeks ago saying she'd have to fork up nearly half of what she was bringing in. For Dacosta, who pays nearly $100 a week on child care for her 2-year-old, paying the shelter is hardly an expense she can afford.
2) Most vulnerable hit hardest by recession - BRIDGEPORT, CT -- Dee Brassell was earning $60,000 a year at a liquor distributor in White Plains, N.Y. when the recession hit home last June and she was laid off.
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