Starting today - May 31st - my BLOG will be focused on the Samuel Tilden documentary I am producing. I've already published 2 books - and working on the third.
The Documentary will detail this great man's life and all that he accomplished. And oh what a life it was...
My goal is to bring forward his career in his own voice...You will be reading letters and speeches written by Tilden and other high ranking politicians of the day who continually sought his advice. In addition I will be posting my progress with the making of the documentary. Comments from readers will be welcome...and moderated... My goal here is to share the information and to get Mr. Tilden and the other honest political men that helped him their time in the spotlight.
John Bigelow, who was a Republican became best friends with Tilden and remained so for years even after Samuel's death. The duo trusted each other completely which was rare in the political arena.

Other history writers - some very famous have written about Tilden...I have read many of their books...and disappointed by the information that focused on everything but what Tilden was saying and doing. It has been a long time coming for these good men and each one of them deserves to be heard. Political Corruption will be brought to the forefront and you will read words straight from the horses mouth about how the media played their role with the corrupter. Enough said, "Time for the truth to be revealed."
Tilden during his time was known as the Great Reformer...and he earned many political enemies because he took a stance each and every time he exposed them and put them out of business. Tilden's weapon against them was "Truth" ...There is nothing more frightening to a corrupt politician than the truth...They have spent a life time hiding him and I will spend the next 6 months revealing it to my readers.
Samuel J. Tilden - the Real 19th President of the United States. He was Governor of New York and Founder of the New York Public Library. He was a Politician like none other - he truly and unselfishly loved America and the people. Our current Congress, Judiciary and President ignore his existence when in fact they would be better politicians if they followed his lead like so many have in the past when they sought his advise. Tilden's genius advice was sought by Presidents, Congressional leaders and the Judicial from both Democrats and Republicans. Presidents Martin Van Buren, Pierce, Lincoln and Cleveland to name a few.
This Blog and is being set up to take readers on the Tilden life journey with me as I research, write and produce his story. It is my hope that as I write about Mr. Tilden and struggle with the technical editing process we will all have a few laughs at my fallibles. I am planning to take this project global and tour with the my books and documentary. I am thankful for one thing that is for sure....History has a long shelf life and since I first discovered Mr. Tilden on a dusty old book shelf back in 1994 - we have gone through a few Presidents and Congressional leaders. I have compared their careers to Tilden's and found not a one of them came close to the same accomplishments as Mr. Tilden.
Nikki Oldaker, Author/Producer
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