Above is the link to the book cover for the revised and edited by Nikki Oldaker version of John Bigelow's, "The Life of Samuel J. Tilden"...This project took over 3 years to publish - but was well worth the endless hours of work. ISBN 978-0-9786698-1-2
The other day while working on the marketing and promotion plan for the new book release -I came across a review written in the New York Times, 1895 online article archives. "I have only to suggest that no citizen’s library, and especially no Democrat’s library, should be regarded as complete without a copy of this invaluable and most interesting work"...David B. Hill, New York Times - May 5th, 1895 This review has been added to the dust cover today.
Because my company is a new start up publisher - the book is going straight to POD (Print on Demand) distributed through THOR - Hard cover price $35.85 and can be pre-ordered and purchased at online bookstores. I wanted the new revision of the book to be able to compete with other scanned versions and priced it as low as I could go with a hard cover POD production. To sweeten the deal Show Biz East Productions is offering a two book half off the paperback deal which "Samuel Tilden, the Real 19th President". can be found and purchased from the Tilden website only.

The Samuel Tilden project has been an ongoing project that I've dedicated my time to since 1994. During the production of "The Life of Samuel Tilden" I took great pride in carefully retyping and editing every word Bigelow so eloquently wrote about his great friend and confidant Samuel.
The new book is being digitized for e-book production for later this year and will as of February 9th be available in 6 x 9 print with a newly designed updated dust cover. (Click on the book picture above to see a larger version of new dust cover.)
A few Internet links have been added to the book during the revision for students so they can easily go to related web sites for research. Also, during edits I found an important error that John Bigelow's printer missed I'm sure by accident before the book went into print and corrected it. I am always and forever in awe of writers and printers from the 19th century and earlier works because of the tedious work involved in publishing their books. Computers have made it so much easier for 21st century writers to correct mistakes made. I am forever editing and editing everything I write and know there are times my head gets ahead of my fingers on the keyboard. Another difference in my revised edition is revised Tilden's rare book collection and produced a new layout charting each book and artistic plate that was in his collection. One thing I did leave out of this version was the page index. Many may not approve of that decision - but the decision was made to label the chapters very clear so readers would know exactly where to find information in the book.
Samuel Tilden spent a small fortune purchasing his private collection of rare and one of a kind books...This collection was passed on through his estate as his gift to the New York Public Library he planned. I listed them carefully for interested Art Curators seeking the rare books he left...All of the collection has to be worth a large fortune today if still in tact.

Tilden's dream of a free library was nearly derailed when his nephews and other family members challenged his Will's 35th clause. Samuel never married and had no children of his own. He did leave each member property and money to sustained them but they felt they deserved the entire estate. They're attempt to win all the estate's money was challenged and won in New York state's courts. If it were not for Samuel's best friend and Executors of his Public Library Trust the famous landmark; the New York Public Library, would have never seen the light of day. John Bigelow one his Executors explains in detail how the will was broken and how he and others supporters of Tilden argued and negotiated to keep the "Tilden Trust" in tack and profitable...enough so that they made enough money through savvy investments to get the library built by combining the Astor and Lenox libraries to the project.
Samuel Tilden was Governor of New York and elected President by over 254,000 votes as our 19th President. His Presidency was taken away by one disputed Electoral College vote. Both books detail the election dispute ...one in the form of his biography and the other as a novel.
This year on his birthday the National Arts Club will hold their annual "Tilden" birthday dinner. It is to my understanding that at this year's celebration the guests will dress in 19th century costumes. How cool is that...It is my intent to present O. Aldon James the current President of the National Arts Club the book as a gift and hope he will take delight when he reads the Acknowledgement to him:
A special thank you to all the National Arts Club Presidents, especially O. Aldon James for preserving the Samuel Tilden historical landmark Gramercy Park home. Also to the Trustees and donors of the New York Public Library for continuing to support Samuel Tilden’s gift of the first free public library system in the United States.
So psssssst... don't spoil the surprise!!!

The book has been: "Dedicated To: Public Librarians & History Teachers Worldwide"

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