Sunday, February 09, 2014

Happy 200th Birthday Samuel Tilden!!! Born: Feb 9, 1814

From Archives New York Times:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Earmarks voted in and a Congressman who should be booted

Two stories today  tell me that nothing has changed in DC  -- 8 Republicans voting to keep Earmarks and Congressman Conyers who still is getting away with unbelievable in our face bull...

Why would these 8 Republicans in the light of what happened in the 2010 elections vote to keep Earmarks in place?

Congressman Conyers once again getting caught violating Ethics and proving once again he does NOT belong in DC...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Supreme Court Sit on their Robes AGAIN and Denies Another Obama Birther Case

Supreme Court Sit on their Robes AGAIN and Denies Another Obama Birther Case --

Obama has spent close to 2 million dollars in legal fees to protect his birth certificate -- The Justices sit on their robes --TSA - can feel us up so we won't object to their purchase of multi millions dollars naked scanners--banks and private businesses can take tax dollars to stay in business while we go broke with the tax bills - The Gov can steal our property by imminent domain - Illegals can flock into our country - to benefit big business with cheapo wages and push Americans out of their jobs - What good is the Oath of Office to Protect the U.S. Constitution if they don't uphold the laws on the books? Are we back to square one with King George? Sure seems that way...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Go Kevin --Costner cleanup device gets high marks from BP - now to General Honore'

I said this from the get go --and kept pushing---see my earlier Blogs -- Now they need to talk to General Honore' for the rest... General Honore' should have been brought in from the start - for Emergency Preparedness...He has the experience in Disasters such as this. Has proven it over and over again.

If I had been Senator or advising - I would have pushed for both Costner and General Honroe' to be the go to guys. Why our politicians are so slow to act really ticks me off...I do have to give Senator Bill Nelson some credit for pushing for the Navy --but his pleas fell on deaf ears at the White House...Obama sat on his hands too long which proves to me he is not a good leader in a crisis situation. Governor Crist, annoyed me because he's too concerned with his candidacy for the U.S. Senate and was playing along with President Obama for Dem votes instead of doing his job as Governor...In an emergency a leader must do what is necessary to resolve the problem...doing so would make them more qualified for their jobs in the eyes of the public and the media. They are sadly mistaken when they think otherwise - just showing up and posturing for the cameras does nothing to help anyone - especially the crisis at hand... A leader must know how to evaluate the crisis and act on it immediately -- to hesitate can cost lives...Ask any General in charge of their command...hesitate, blink or pause and all that's left is regret and tears.

It was treated as an oddball twist in the otherwise wrenching saga of the BP oil spill when Kevin Costner stepped forward to promote a device he said could work wonders in containing the spill's damage. But as Henry Fountain explains in the New York Times, the gadget in question — an oil-separating centrifuge — marks a major breakthrough in spill cleanup technology. And BP, after trial runs with the device, is ordering 32 more of the Costner-endorsed centrifuges to aid the Gulf cleanup.